University of Virginia Library

Looking Boyish

Art Garfunkel is very good as
Sandy, but I will never be
convinced that he is capable of
acting. The two big roles he's
played in Nichols' films do not
demand much of the actor, except
looking boyish and mystified,
which is definitely one quality that
Garfunkel can project. The pivotal
role of Jonathan is superbly played
by Jack Nicholson, and the praises 1
gave to the ladies' acting should be
extended to his as well.

Nichols' direction is
toned down somewhat from
"Catch-22," yet it still has that
certain look that I recognize as
being, well, a "Mike Nichols look."
There is frequent use of close-ups,
giving the impression that
Nicholson and Garfunkel are
talking to us, and the device works
quite well.