University of Virginia Library

Pay Phones

"Oh jeez, let me outs here," I
say grimacing. "Man, that was bad.
I'm going to make a phone call.
Gimme a dime, please."

"I don't have a dime."

"Damn, why can't we have a
free phone like the girls have?"

"How do I know. Go ask Ralph.
And also ask him why we can't
paint our room. This place looks
like hell."

"Oh, he won't let us paint it
because he's afraid we'll strain
ourselves picking up the brush and
than sue the University."

"I thought that was the reason
they didn't give us the great new
beds they promised."

"No, they didn't want to give us
new beds because they thought it
would produce too great a
temptation to cohabitate."

Dave mutters something
unprintable and proceeds to plug in
a new high-intensity reading lamp.

"Don't do that! Remember,
they say we're already using too
much electricity."

"Oh, go make your phone call."

"I can't, no dime."

"Well go transfer to one of the
new dorms. They have free

"They have problems too. One
of the girls said they have holes in
the wall through which their
hamster escapes. And the stoppers
in their sinks don't work."

"BIG DEAL!! At least their
showers have well-regulated water.
Here I either freeze my ass or boil."

"Well, Dave, you just have to
wake up at 6:00 in the morning like
me. Then the water's fine."