University of Virginia Library

Vulgar Signs

Dear Sir:

After viewing the photo of the
Virginia students and their sign,
carried in your issue of Feb. 4, it is
very easy to understand why the
Gamecocks would want to (and
did) blow the Virginia team out of
Columbia. I understand other signs
were equally as vulgar and as
always, result negatively for the
home team when it becomes time
for them to play the role of visiting

This juvenile display of signs (no
sign or poster of any kind is
allowed in the Carolina Coliseum)
by the Virginia students was bound
to be remembered by the South
Carolina team, and set aside for
later reckoning which was to be
soon coming.

The price for this folly was paid
for in Columbia, but not by the
guilty ones, who were the students,
but by a fine Virginia team that was
all but humiliated by a fixed up
team that might have beaten them
by fifty points had not Coach
McGuire called off his horses when
the game got out of reach. The
Virginia team is a good one,
certainly much better than their
performances in South Carolina
would indicate, and I am sure you
will agree deserves a better fate
than one that forces them to face
teams that are fired up by childish
acts of Virginia students.

The signs may turn the student
ego on but the negative re-action is
not worth the price the Virginia
team has had to pay. I have been
following sports in Virginia for over
forty years, as I am a native of the
Old Dominion and I would like to
say that this edition of the Virginia
team is capable of going all the way
in the A.C.C.

If South Carolina falls in the
tournament, it is my sincerest hope
and desire that Virginia will pick up
the ball and end that long "big
four" tobacco road domination of
A.C.C. basketball.

J.R. (Bob) McCauley
Darlington, S.C.