University of Virginia Library

No Response

There has been no explanation given for
the rather unusual relations that exist
between the University and Billy Williams,
owner of the Anderson Brothers and University
Bookstores on the Corner, despite widespread
belief that these relations call into
question the motives and proprieties of both

A week ago today in this column we called
for a financial report from both the University
and the Alumni Association so that the
charges that have been leveled from several
quarters could either be verified or dismissed.

Several key questions need to be answered
if the University community is to continue to
have any respect and confidence in the words
and dealings of the University and the Alumni
Association. Why is the bookstore in Newcomb
Hall officially prohibited from selling
hardback books? How are the transactions
concerning athletic equipment, physical
education uniforms, and athletic scholarships
executed with Mr. Williams' stores? In short
the University community deserves a full
explanation of the financial connections
between the University and Alumni Association
and Anderson Bros.-University Bookstores.

The only official interest that has been
taken thus far has been the kind efforts of
Paul Saunier, Director of Public Relations for
the University, to provide some statistics
concerning the bookstore policies of several
large Midwestern universities, but we have not
heard from anyone who is willing or able to
explain the financial relations between the
University and the wealthy private bookstores.

Since the bookstore situation affect every
student financially, and may we say significantly,
the Student Council would serve their
constituents by requesting a financial report
from the involved parties. The Administration
in the past has side-stepped several issues by
claiming that the only proper channel through
which it can work on student matters in the
Student Council. The Council could simply
pass a resolution directed at both the University
and the Alumni Association which would
call for information not necessarily to level an

The facts on the matter remain a little
foggy, because the only people who clear the
air have refused to do so up to this time. The
longer they remain silent, refusing to clear
their names in this controversy, the more the
doubt in many people's minds grow. It is far
past time for a full account of these financial
dealings. We expect it to be forthcoming