University of Virginia Library

For The University

Students must accept the responsibility of
presenting their ideas in a reasonable and
persuasive manner. They must recognize that
they are citizens of a nation which was
founded on tolerance and diversity, and they
must become more understanding of those
with whom they differ.

Students must protect the right of all
speakers to be heard even when they disagree
with the point of view expressed. Heckling
speakers is not only bad manners but is
inimical to all the values that a university
stands for.

Students must face the fact that giving
moral support to those who are planning
violent action is morally despicable.

Students should be reminded that language
that offends will seldom persuade. Their
words have sometimes been as offensive to
many Americans as the words of some public
officials have been to them.

Students should not expect their own
views, even if held with great moral intensity,
automatically and immediately to determine
national policy. The rhetorical commitment
to democracy by students must be matched
by an awareness of the central role of
majority rule in a democratic society and by
an equal commitment to techniques of
persuasion within the political process.

The commission has been impressed and
moved by the idealism and commitment of
American youth. But this extraordinary
commitment brings with it extraordinary
obligations: to learn from our nation's past
experience, to recognize the humanity of
those with whom they disagree and to
maintain their respect for the rule of law.

The fight for change and justice is the
good fight; to drop out or strike out at the
first signs of failure is to insure that change
will never come.

This commission is only too aware of
America's shortcomings. Yet we are almost a
nation of enduring strength. Millions of
Americans - generations past and present -
have given their vision, their energy, and their
patient labor to make us a more just nation
and a more humane people.

We who seek to change America today
build on their accomplishments and enjoy the
freedoms they won for us. It is a considerable
inheritance, we must not squander or destroy