University of Virginia Library

To The Editor

Olson's Fine Pen

Dear Sir:

I would like to comment on a
letter in a recent (3-26-70) issue of
The Cavalier Daily in which an
articulate gentleman named Bill
Olson demolished my observations
on the silliness of the Virginia
Weekly's posing as a journal of
serious pretensions. Perhaps the
most telling points in Mr. Olson's
refutation lie in the following direct
quote from his letter:

"Blurp gleep gorkle flubsnerk
blippy-blip-blippy snerd
florp gleep tweedly bamboozle
charismatic snerk
quackery swallooow." (sic)

Whatever we may think of the mental operations exhibited in the
above passage, I think we must all
admit the lucidity of expression
and the fineness of the style. Mr.
Olson has rare ability in putting
together tightly-reasoned rebuttals.

In the light of such a performance,
I imagine that the editors
of the Virginia Weekly have by now
spotted Mr. Olson's literary promise,
and that they are actively
seeking to recruit his services for
their periodical. I would suggest
that the holy cause of universal
social reform, which the Virginia
Weekly hawks so continually, is far
more desperately in need of Mr.
Olson's pen than an obscure graduate
student like myself. Mr.
Olson should join the VW staff, so
his loquacity can have free play,
and so that, through the VW, he
can better bamboozle other snerks
like himself.

Mr. Olson plainly has a bright
future in radical journalism

Neal Frey

New Slogan

Dear Sir:

I would like to submit the
following population slogan:

Fewer Births Mean a Better Life
for the Living.

Barry C. Hall