University of Virginia Library

Petition Presented

Last week the students, sensing
political motives in the decision
(Mr. Ritter has supported some
radical causes), handed David
Jordan, chairman of the GFA
department, a petition protesting
the refusal to grant Mr. Ritter
tenure. They asked for a meeting
with him, which he was unable to
make; he scheduled one for
Tuesday at 5 p.m. Mr. Jordan and
the students then barked on a
curious fight over a technicality:
The Cavalier Daily ran the notice of
the meeting, which said both
graduate students and
undergraduates could attend. Mr.
Jordan then called, changing the
page one box to include only
graduate students. One student
involved in the effort then placed a
University Notice including the
undergraduates again. When the
meeting finally took place, Mr.
Jordan refused to stay if the
undergraduates failed to leave.