University of Virginia Library

Non-Partisan Effort

On the same day, there will be a city-wide
effort to register voters for the election. This
drive will be sponsored by the city Democrats,

but it will be a non-political campaign to make
sure that citizens from both parties get the
chance to vote.

Saturday is the last day for potential voters
to register, and workers will go out into the
districts to seek out non-registered voters. The
campaign will be directed from the Democratic
campaign headquarters at 221 F. Main Street,
and any voter with questions can call there for
information or rides to the Registrar of Voters'

The registration process is handled by the
Registrar, who makes sure that voters meet the
city registration requirements.

In order to vote in Charlottesville, a person
must be 21 years old, and must have lived in
Virginia for twelve months. In addition, one
must have lived in Charlottesville for six
months and resided in a particular ward in the
city for the last thirty days. These domicile
requirements are often unclear and the
Registrar is authorized to use discretionary
judgment in such matters.