University of Virginia Library

Wenzl Watcher

Dear Sir:

For too long the Graduate
School has been apathetic in its
choice of candidates for Student
Council. Seldom was there much
difference in the non-platforms of
those who ran because to truly
represent the Graduate School
meant in essence not really caring
what went on in campus affairs.
Obviously this attitude must
change, for the Graduate School
should, and indeed must, provide
the impetus towards change,
especially in those areas of broader
concern that the College students
often neglect because of their
struggles over conduct regulations.

Thurman Wenzl is a candidate
for Student Council from the
Graduate School. In his years here
he has been active on all levels to
bring the University into putting
into actual practice what it so
readily espouses in rhetoric. This
activism has not always made Mr.
Wenzl popular, for it must be
recalled that full coeducation, a
truly equal and integrated
University, and a desire for a