University of Virginia Library

Other Side

On the other side, the Saturday bid day
has advantages. Most houses throw some
sort of celebration for their new pledges,
whether it be a bus roll to a girl's school or a
banquet. Having the pledges return their
bids on November 1 means they can
celebrate their new status with their
fraternity at the party that night, and with
no additional expense to the house. The
revelry will also take place on a Saturday
night rather than on a Sunday night, thus
causing no interference with schoolwork.

The plan was, however, a compromise
above every thing else. It allowed the houses
to have their UNC parties, without leaving a
huge "dirty rush" gap between last hours
and Bid Sunday, for rushees would not have
been allowed to attend those parties. The
only other alternatives would have been to
extend rush beyond Openings, which
appealed to no one save a minuscule
minority, or end it before UNC week, a
process that could not be reconciled with
the complicated rigmarole of distributing
hour cards.

The rest of the schedule contains the
usual functions, with a few constructive
changes. Gone are the Sunday smokers; in
fact, there is not a single rush function on a
Sunday. Also removed was the second week
of lunches, which first-year men thought
were a waste of time last year; in its place is
a week of dinners.