University of Virginia Library

Separate Colleges

Relenting somewhat, the
anti-coed coed maintained that separate
colleges were advisable when
they were in close proximity. She
admitted that Virginia was unusual
in its relationships with 's
schools and that as a state institution
it should be coeducationalized,
or at least institute a co-ordinate
system that would combine the
best of both worlds. She also mentioned
that she had never seen such
blatant discrimination in all of her

Conversation drifted into the
metaphysical world of the females'
opinions of the males' opinions
concerning women.

A ex-Farmville-ite commented
that the primary void centered
around the lack of personal relationships
between men and women.
Men at Virginia only see girls on
road trips or big weekends. Removing
the men from their typical
environment, as the present system
does at least in the area of dating,
proffers stilted relationships.

"We're not human beings, we're
sex," is the prevalent attitude of
males towards females. An attitude
these girls resented.