University of Virginia Library

3-3-3 Hesitation

Because of hesitation on the
part of the 3-3-3 Committee concerning
the motions on unrestricted
visiting privileges allowed female
guests, a poll has been circulated
to each house through
their IFC representative to register
the feelings of the individual
fraternity man. The poll contains
items to which a for or
against vote should be placed.

The first item asks if fraternity
members favor girls allowed
in the common areas of the
houses during the morning, which
have previously not been permitted.
The second discusses the
night hour restrictions; either
midnight, 1 a.m., 2 p.m., or any
time are entered as possible selections.

Unrestricted visiting locations
are the subject of the next item.
One can indicate if he favors
girls allowed anywhere in the
house during either daylight or
nighttime hours or both. The last
item asks opinions on completely
unrestricted visiting privileges,
meaning any place in the house
at any time.

Several members urged the
voting affirmatively for all items
appearing on the poll, stating that
the houses belonged to the individual
fraternities and they
ought to be able to do as they
deem proper.

Another argument expressed
was the fact that university men
are responsible enough to take
care of all arising situations. The
only dissenting opinion was that
of invasion of privacy.