University of Virginia Library

Coburn Movie
Has Little Plot

Playing the Paramount Theater
this week, "The President's Analyst"
does more to analyze American
culture of the sixties than it
does to describe the Presidential

Starring James Coburn, the
movie bounces from situation to
situation with seemingly little plot.
Fortunately, however, there also
seems to have been little intended.
Yet some come out of the movie
grumbling while others offer a
smile. The movie itself seems to
justify more of the latter.

The story tells of a psychoanalyst
called in by the President as
special confidant extraordinaire.
The pressure of the secrecy involved
compels Mr. Coburn to
flee his security guards, and subsequently
the notorious "FBR,"
"CEA," and the Russian, British,
and Canadian secret services are
hotly in pursuit. Mr. Coburn's
avenues of escape lead him to such
places as the oft-depicted typical
suburban home and a mobile pad
full of hippies, one of whom has
some wild hip action of her own.