University of Virginia Library


The following resolution was adopted:

WHEREAS the Armed Services Procurement Regulations require the University of Virginia to have
"a definite, established policy, approved and promulgated by its governing body, of retaining
title to inventions made by its employees or of requiring its employees to assign title to such
inventions to a patent holding entity for the benefit of the institution,     ",

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia that the following statement of patent policy and procedure be and it is
hereby approved:

  • I. Purpose, Coverage, and Objectives.

    • 1. Purpose. The purpose of this statement is to establish the patent
      policy of the University with respect to inventions with which it may
      be concerned and outline uniform procedures to be followed in seeking
      their patenting and development. It is intended that all provisions
      of this statement, whether relating to policy or procedure shall be
      construed and administered in accordance with the research policy of
      the University which has been separately stated.

    • 2. Coverage. This statement covers all inventions made by a faculty
      member, official, employee or student of the University or made by any
      other person occupying a position which the University deems to be such
      as to make him a member of the academic community of the University,
      when the invention results from University research as herein defined.


      It also covers inventions that do not result from University research
      when any such invention is referred to the University for handling as
      hereinafter provided in Section V.

      For the purpose of administering this statement "University Research"
      means. Any research supported by funds administered by the University
      or for which facilities operated or controlled by the University are

      Although an invention may result from activities which fall within
      the above definition of University research, nevertheless, if it
      results from a project undertaken by the University pursuant to a
      contract between the University and an outside sponsor and during
      the effective period of such contract, the terms and conditions
      of that contract, instead of the provisions of this statement, will
      govern the handling of the invention and the rights of the parties
      interested. It is contemplated that all such contracts between the
      University and an outside sponsor of research will be made in
      accordance with the University's stated research policy. When, by
      the terms of a contract between the University and an outside sponsor
      of research, the University is given the right to elect whether or
      not it will take over an invention, or when the outside sponsor
      renounces any rights under the contract in favor of the University,
      in either such event, the invention will be handled by the contracting
      authorities of the University in accordance with the circumstances
      and merits of the individual case.

    • 3. Objectives. The principal objectives of this statement are:

      • (1) To adhere to the University's research policy in the
        administration of the policies and procedures set forth in this

      • (2) To provide adequate recognition and incentive to inventive
        talent by securing to the inventor a just share of any proceeds from
        the development of his invention, and at the same time to recognize
        and protect the equity to which the University is entitled in
        inventions resulting from University research.

      • (3) To make inventions resulting from University research and
        other inventions handled through the University, as provided in
        Section V, widely available to qualified users in the public interest,
        under conditions calculated to promote their most effective development
        and utilization in the public interest, free from unnecessary exclusions
        or restrictions.

      • (4) To assure as far as practicable that funds accruing to the
        University from its equity in inventions which result from University
        research or from other inventions which may be handled through the
        University as hereinafter provided, will be employed for the purpose
        of advancing and encouraging further research within the University.

  • II. The University Patent Committee.

    The Patent Committee is a standing committee appointed by the President
    of the University to administer the policies and procedures established
    by this statement. Except as may be herein otherwise provided with
    respect to the referral of inventions to research corporation, the
    Patent Committee cannot commit the University to act, but can only
    recommend and report to the President of the University to whom it is
    responsible. Any contract or agreement to which the University is
    party must be entered into on behalf of the University by its duly
    authorized contracting officials.

    The Patent Committee has no authority initially to pass upon the
    propriety or acceptability of any research project or any contract
    tendered to the University by an outside sponsor of research. The
    Patent Committee will, however, investigate, report, and make its
    recommendations on any specific questions referred to it by the
    President and relating to an invention or patent in which the
    University is interested, including questions that may arise from
    contracts for sponsored research.

  • III. Relations Between the University and Research Corporation.

    Research Corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Research" is a
    non-profit foundation which distributes its total net income as
    grants-in-aid of research to colleges, universities, and scientific
    institutions. As stated in its charter, it was established to
    receive and to acquire inventions and to render the same more available
    and effective in the useful arts, to provide means for the advancement
    of scientific investigation by contributing the net earnings of the
    corporation to scientific and educational institutions, and to receive
    other monies and property and to apply the same to the objects specified.

    In general, it is not the University's policy to take title to an
    invention or patent. The University has, however, entered into an
    agreement with Research whereby if the Patent Committee recommends
    the assignment of an invention to Research and it accepts this


    assignment, Research patents and commercializes the invention without
    expense to the inventor and agrees to pay a share of the gross income
    to the inventor. The net income from the invention, after the payment
    of the inventor's share and certain special expenses in connection with
    the invention, is shared between the University and Research. The
    University, in turn, is free to allocate its share of the net income
    received from Research for any purpose it deems advisable. In making
    such allocations, however, it is to be understood that preferential
    considerations will be given to requests from the school or department
    from which the invention arose.

  • IV. Relations Between the University and Faculty Members, Officials, Employees
    and Students and Others, Procedure.

    All faculty members, officials, employees and students of the University,
    in consideration of their association with the University and of their
    privilege of using funds administered and facilities controlled by it,
    are urged to handle all inventions and patents during such associations,
    and resulting therefrom, as follows:

    • 1. Every person covered by this statement shall promptly inform the
      Chairman of the Department in which he is conducting the research, of any
      invention made by him during the progress of such research. If the
      Department Chairman is of the opinion that the invention resulted from
      University research or is doubtful as to whether or not it resulted from
      University research, he shall report the invention together with all
      pertinent information to the Patent Committee.

    • 2. If the Patent Committee, after consultation with the Department Chairman
      and the inventor, finds that the invention resulted from University research,
      the Committee will submit the invention to Research Corporation for its
      consideration pursuant to the contract between the University and Research
      Corporation described in Section III, unless, because of extraordinary
      circumstances the Committee further finds that the best interests of the
      University and the inventor require a different method of handling the
      invention. The inventor shall furnish the Patent Committee with all
      necessary drawings and other pertinent data, to be forwarded to Research
      Corporation to enable that Corporation to give full consideration to the
      merits of the invention.

    • 3. If the Patent Committee finds that the invention did not result from
      University research, it will report the fact to the President of the
      University with the recommendation that the University, through its proper
      contracting officer, inform the inventor that the University has no interest
      in the invention.

    • 4. If Research Corporation accepts an invention submitted to it by the
      University as herein provided, the inventor shall in accordance with the
      contract between the University and Research Corporation, execute all
      papers which may be necessary or appropriate to assign the invention to
      Research Corporation for handling on the terms set forth in the aforesaid

    • 5. When an invention resulting from University research is accepted by
      Research Corporation under its contract with the University, the inventor
      will receive 15 per cent of the gross income accruing to Research
      Corporation from the invention. The University's share will be its
      percentage of the remaining net income pursuant to the terms of its
      contract with Research Corporation.

    • 6. If an invention resulting from University research is submitted to
      Research Corporation but is not accepted by that Corporation, the Patent
      Committee shall promptly notify the inventor and, after consultation
      with the inventor and his Department Chairman, shall report the matter to
      the President of the University with the Committee's recommendation either
      (a) that the invention be relinquished to the inventor to be handled by
      him as he may see fit, free from any claim of the University, or (b) that
      the University and the inventor enter into an agreement for the assignment,
      patenting or licensing of the invention in such manner and upon such terms
      as will best promote and protect the interests of the inventor and the
      University, including the terms upon which any proceeds of the invention
      will be shared by them. If the Committee's recommendation to relinquish
      the invention to the inventor is accepted, the President or the authorized
      contracting officer of the University will so inform the inventor by
      appropriate letter. If the recommendation of the Committee to pursue the
      invention further as outlined in this paragraph is accepted, the inventor
      shall abide by the University's decision and shall execute all papers and
      instruments which may be necessary or appropriate to carry that decision
      into effect.

    • 7. If an invention resulting from University research is not submitted to
      the Patent Committee to Research Corporation for the reasons mentioned in
      paragraph 2 of this section IV, the subsequent procedure shall be the same
      as that prescribed in paragraph 6 of this section IV for inventions
      submitted to, but not accepted by, Research Corporation.


    • 8. If a research unit exists independently of a department,
      reference herein made to the Chairman of the Department shall
      mean the Administrative Officer of the unit.

  • V. Privilege to Refer Inventions Which Do Not Result from University

    Any person covered by this statement may refer an invention made by
    him which did not result from University research to the Patent
    Committee with the request that it be submitted to Research Corporation
    pursuant to the contract between the University and that Corporation
    The Patent Committee shall thereupon forward a description of the
    invention and such other data as the inventor may provide, to
    Research Corporation for its consideration. If the invention is
    accepted by Research Corporation, the inventor shall agree to
    execute all papers which may be required to assign the invention
    to Research Corporation in accordance with its contract with the
    University and to effectuate its handling of the invention. In
    such cases the inventor shall be entitled to whatever share he may
    specify of the gross income received by Research Corporation from
    the invention, not to exceed 40 per cent thereof, and the University
    will inform Research Corporation accordingly. Any such amount in
    excess of 15 per cent will be deducted from the University's share
    of the net proceeds to be received by it from Research Corporation.
    If Research Corporation does not accept an invention submitted to it
    under the terms of this section V, the Patent Committee shall promptly
    so notify the inventor and he shall be free to handle the invention
    as he may see fit, free from any claims on behalf of the University.