University of Virginia Library


The President brought to the Board's attention a matter arising in
connection with the Richard Lectures in Religion and History established at the
University through a bequest under the will of Este Coffinberry of San Francisco.

Dr. W. F. Albright, in 1931, delivered the first Richard Lectures on the
subject "The Archeology of Palestine and the Bible". The following year these
lectures were published in book form by Fleming H. Revell Company which
copyrighted the book. There were three editions published between 1932 and
1935, the book going out of print about 1937. The copyright to the book is
owned by Fleming H. Revell Company and does not expire until 1960. However, the
University of Virginia is the owner or proprietor of the book and all royalties
were paid to it. The contract of Fleming H. Revell Company was with the

Dr. Albright has now been approached by another publisher to undertake a
revision and republication of the book and has requested the University to
release to him any claim it may have as owner or proprietor of the book.

Mr. Darden stated he had explained to Dr. Albright the fact that the
University of Virginia, being a state institution, had no authority to give to
Dr. Albright or anyone else, any property. It had been suggested, therefore, to
Dr. Albright, that the University, subject to the approval of the Board of
Visitors, sell to him, all of its rights of ownership and proprietorship in the
book for 10% of all royalties from any future edition or editions of the book.
This offer is agreeable to Dr. Albright.

After consideration, upon motion duly made and carried, it was

RESOLVED, that The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia sell to
Dr. W. F. Albright, the author, all rights of ownership or proprietorship it may
have in the book "The Archeology of Palestine and the Bible", published by
Fleming H. Revell Company, at the price of 10% of all royalties from any future
edition or editions of the book, and that Vincent Shea, Comptroller of the
University of Virginia, be and he hereby is, authorized and empowered to execute
in the name and on behalf of The Rector and Visitors of the University of
Virginia, such agreements, other instruments or papers necessary or advisable to
complete the sale of such interest to Dr. Albright upon said terms.