University of Virginia Library

Athletics Council Proposed

The Rector stated that there had been a number of questions raised concerning the present
management of athletics at the University and that he had received a suggestion that a Council on
Athletics be established, composed of two members of the Board of Visitors, two members of the
Alumni Board of Managers, and two members of the faculty.

Mr. Anderson proposed the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted:

RESOLVED that the Athletics Committee be authorized to invite the Board of Managers of
the Alumni Association to appoint two of its members to sit with the Athletics Committee of the
Board of Visitors in considering the athletic policy of the University, this group to meet about
twice a year and discuss with officials of the Department of Athletics their proposed program.

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that after each such meeting, the Athletics Committee be and
is hereby requested to recommend appropriate action to the President and the Board of Visitors.