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The Terms of Admission.



To be admitted as a student of the University, the applicant must
be at least sixteen years of age; but the Faculty may dispense with
this requirement in favor of one who has a brother of the requisite
age entering at the same time.

If the applicant for admission has been a student at any other incorporated
seminary, he must produce a certificate from such seminary
or other satisfactory evidence of general good conduct.

In this Institution there is no curriculum or prescribed course of
study, to be pursued by every student, whatever his previous preparation
or special objects. In establishing the University of Virginia,
Mr. Jefferson, for the first time in America, threw open the doors of
a University, in the true sense of the name, providing, as amply as the
available means would permit, for thorough instruction in independent
in all the chief branches of learning, assuming that the opportunities
for study thus presented were privileges to be voluntarily
and eagerly sought, and allowing students to select for themselves
the departments to which they were led by their special tastes and
proposed pursuits in life to devote themselves.

The wisdom of this plan has been amply vindicated by time and
experience, and within the last few years many of the institutions of
higher culture in the United States have, to a greater or less extent,
remodelled their method of study in accordance with the example
here set. This elective system commends itself especially to those
who desire to make professional attainments in any department of
knowledge. At the same time the courses of academic study are so
arranged as to provide for the systematic prosecution of a complete
plan of general education.


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While every student may thus select the schools he will attend, in
the academic department he is required, as a rule, to attend at least
three, unless upon the written request of his parent or guardian or for
good cause shown, the Faculty shall allow him to attend less than

Students are permitted to exchange schools, with transfer of fees, within
ONE WEEK after admission; thereafter no exchange is allowed, except
by leave of the Faculty, and then without transfer of fees.

The session commences on the first of October, and continues without
interruption, until the Thursday before the fourth day of July.

The mode of instruction is by lectures and text-books accompanied
by daily examinations.


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Literary and Scientific Department.


Prof. Peters.

The subjects taught in this school are the Latin Language and Literature,
with the History of Rome. The School is divided into three
classes: Junior, Intermediate, and Senior.

Text-Books.  Junior Class — Cæsar, Ovid, Sallust. 
Intermediate Class — Cicero, Virgil, Terence, Livy. 
Senior Class — Cicero, Horace, Livy, Juvenal, Tacitus. 
Grammar.  Zumpt's, Gildersleeve's, Harrison's Exposition of the Laws of
the Latin Language. 
Lexicons.  Andrew's, or Freunds' Leverett. 
History.  Browne's Roman Literature, Liddell's Rome, Long's Atlas. 

Instruction is given by lectures and by examinations upon the portions
of text assigned for recitation. The exercises of rendering
Latin into English, and English into Latin, in writing, constitute a
prominent feature in the course. In addition to the portions of the
several authors read in the lecture room, a course of extra and
parallel reading is required in each class.


The Professor of Latin will also give instruction in Sanskrit.

Text-Books.—Monier Williams' Grammar, Benfey's Lexicon, selection from
the Mahâ-Bhârata.


Prof. Gildersleeve.

The school is divided into three classes: Junior, Intermediate and
Senior. The method of instruction comprises lectures (systematic
and exegetical), examinations, written and oral exercises.


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Junior Class.—The Junior Class is intended especially for those who desire to
make a thorough review of the inflections, and to acquire a practical familiarity
with the great principles of the language. The only author read in this class is

Grammar.—Kühner's Elementary, Goodwin's Elementary.

Intermediate Class.—Lysias, Xenophon, Herodotus, Homer, and Demosthenes.

Senior Class.—Thucydides, Sophocles, Euripides, and Plato.

Grammars.—Hadley's, Kühner's, Goodwin's Moods and Tenses.

Liddell and Scott's Lexicon, Smith's History of Greece.

A private course of parallel and preparatory reading is also prescribed
for each class.

The weekly exercises constitute a prominent feature in the plan of

Post Graduate Department.—The Post Graduate Department
has been instituted for the benefit of graduates and others, who wish
to pursue a more extended course of reading. The authors read in
this department are such as are either by their form or subjects less
suited for the regular school, e. g. Æschylus, Aristophanes, and

In the examinations of candidates for graduation in Latin and
Greek, the passages given for the written translations are selected,
not from the portions of authors which have been read and explained
in the lecture room, but from the classic writers at will.


The Professor of Greek will also give instruction in Hebrew whenever
the demand for such instruction is sufficient to make the institution
of a course of lectures expedient.



Prof. Schele de Vere.

The subjects taught in this School are:

1. The French, German, Italian, and Spanish languages.

2. The Literature of these languages, and the History of each idiom, embracing
the general principles of the formation and growth of languages, and of Comparative
Grammar and Philology.

3. The Anglo-Saxon language, and, in connection with it, the History and
Laws of the English language.


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Graduation in French and German is required for the degree of
A. M. Diplomas of Graduation are conferred in each of the four
languages mentioned in § 1; a Certificate of Proficiency in Anglo-Saxon.


Text-Books.Junior Class—The Professor's Grammar and First Reader, Télémaque,
Charles XII.

Senior Class—The Professor's Grammar, Molière, Racine, Voltaire, Saintine's
Picciola, Masson's Dictionary. A course of private reading is prescribed.


Junior Class—Otto's Grammar, Whitney's Reader, Schiller's William Tell.

Senior Class—Whitney's Grammar, Adler's Dictionary, Schiller's Works,
Gœthe's Autobiography and Faust, Jean Paul's Flegeljahre. A course of private
reading is prescribed.


The Professor's Grammar, Seoane's Dictionary, Velasquez' Reader, Don Quixote,
Calderon's El Principe Constante.


Bacchi's Grammar, Monti's Reader, Manzoni's I Promessi Sposi, Tasso's
Gerusalemme Liberata, Pellico's Le Mie Prigioni, Dictionary.


Shute's Manual of Anglo-Saxon, The Professor's Studies in English.


Prof. Noah K. Davis.

The subjects of this School are treated as follows:

I. In Psychology, the Intellectual Powers are viewed as modes of
consciousness and distributed as Presentation, Reason, Representation
and Thought. The discussion, having evolved the laws of Pure
Thought, is followed immediately by the course in Logic. The Psychology
of the Sensibilities and Will is then considered, followed by
the course in Ethics. Constant appeal is made to reflective consciousness
as the ultimate test of truth in Psychological Science.


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Text-Books.—Hamilton's Metaphysics, Mansel's Metaphysics, Kant's Critique
of Pure Reason.

II. In Logic both the Aristotelic and Hamiltonian analyses are
applied to many examples, and select arguments reduced to syllogistic
statement. Special attention is given to the nature and methods of
inductive inference.

Text-Books.—Hamilton's Logic, Mill's Logic.

III. In Ethics the intuitional theory is maintained against utilitarianism.
The chief problems of ethical science are discussed, and its
principles applied to personal and social duty.

Text-Books,—Calderwood's Hand Book of Moral Philosophy, Stewart's Active
and Moral Powers, Blackie's Four Phases of Morals.

IV. In Philosophy an outline of the history of speculation is
given from Plato to Hegel. The opinions of the various schools are
sketched, the views of different philosophers compared and criticised,
and the principles of Ontology investigated.

Text-Book.—Ueberweg's History of Philosophy.

In this School there are three lectures a week, from 3 1-2 to 5 o'clock
P. M. The student is examined on the subject as developed by the
lectures, supplemented by such portions of the text-books as may be
indicated by the Professor.

Political Economy.

On this associated subject there is one lecture a week. The relations
of Labor and Capital are discussed; also various systems of
Currency, Banking, Finance and Taxation, with special reference to
what is peculiar in the physical condition, political and social institutions,
and industrial pursuits of our own country. Fundamental
questions in Sociology are also considered.

Text-Books.—Mill's Principles of Political Economy, and Bowen's American
Political Economy.


Prof. Holmes.

This School is divided into two distinct classes—one of History
and one of Literature and Rhetoric. To each, two Lectures in the
week are regularly devoted; but exercises in literary composition are


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required from the members of the Literary Class. Each study may
be pursued separately.

Class of History.

In the Historical Class the successions, revolutions, and various
aspects of the principal nations of the world are considered in such a
manner as to afford a general and connected view of the progress of
political and social organizations. Institutions and laws are noted as
the manifestations of different phases of society; an attempt is made
to discover and elucidate the conditions of historical advancement,
and to refer the changes of nations and governments to the operation
of regular principles.

Text-Books.—Schmitz's Manual of Ancient History; Smith's History of Greece;
Gibbon, Abridged by Smith; Taylor's Manual of Modern History.

For Reference—Long's Ancient Atlas: Appleton's (College) Atlas, or Chambers'
Atlas; Blair's Chronology (Bohn's edition.)

Class of Literature and Rhetoric.

In the class of Literature and Rhetoric, the English Language,
English Composition, Rhetoric, and the English Classics, with the
History of English Literature, are studied.

The origin, growth and philological peculiarities of the Language
are considered; the various influences, domestic and external, by
which it has been brought to its present condition are explained; the
general principles of Rhetoric and Criticism are taught; the lives of
the most eminent authors in the language are treated in their historical
order and connection; and the critical examination and appreciation
of their chief productions occupy much of the time of the
student. The class will also be required to practice Literary Composition.

Text-Books—Jamieson's Grammar of Rhetoric; Shaw's Complete Manual of
English Literature; Ed. Smith and Tuckerman; Student's Specimens of English
Literature, Ed. Shaw and Smith, London.

Shakspeare's Complete Works; Milton's Poetical Works.

For instruction in Oratory or spoken composition, those portions
of Dr. Broadus' Treatise on the Preparation and Delivery of Sermons
which are appropriate to secular purposes, are specially commended.
The study of Angus's Handbook of the English Language is also


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Prof. Venable.

This School embraces two distinct departments or courses:

  • 1. Pure Mathematics.

  • 2. Mixed Mathematics.

Pure Mathematics.

In the course of Pure Mathematics there are three classes: Junior,
Intermediate, and Senior.

Junior Class.—Theory of Arithmetical Operations and Notation, Algebra,
Geometry with discussion and applications of the Ancient Geometrical Analysis,
and Elementary Trigonometry. The preparation desirable for this class is the
thorough study of Arithmetic, of Algebra through Equations of the Second Degree,
and of the first four books of Geometry.

Intermediate Class.—Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, with applications,
Analytical Geometry of two Dimensions, the Theory of Equations, and Elements
of Descriptive Geometry.

Senior Class—Analytical Geometry of three Dimensions, the Differential and
Integral Calculus with applications to the Theory of Probabilities, and the Determination
of Mean Values and the Calculus of Variations. Lectures are given
to this class on the History of Mathematics, and on some points in Controversial
Mathematics, with brief discussions of the elements of Trilinear Coordinates, of the
Theory of Determinants, the Theory of Complex Functions, and of the principles
of the Method of Quaternions.

Text-BooksJunior Class—Venable's Higher Arithmetic, Todhunter's Algebra,
Venable's Geometry.

Intermediate Class.—Snowball's Trigonometry, Law's Logarithms, Puckle's
Conic Sections (Analytical Geometry), Church's Descriptive Geometry. For reference.
Todhunter's Theory of Equations.

Senior Class.—Aldis' Solid Geometry, Courtenay's Calculus, Todhunter's Differential
and Integral Calculus.

In the Junior Class there are three lectures each week; in the
Intermediate Class, two lectures each week; in the Senior Class, three
lectures each week.

Mixed Mathematics.

This course is designed for those students who may desire to prosecute
their studies beyond the limits of the Pure Mathematics. It
embraces Applications of the Differential and Integral Calculus to


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selected portions of Mechanics, Physics, and Physical Astronomy.
There is one class in Mixed Mathematics.

In the class of Mixed Mathematics there are two lectures each

The instruction in each class in the School of Mathematics is conveyed
partly by lectures and partly by the systematic study of
approved text-books, the student being assisted by full and frequent
explanations from the Professor, and being constantly subjected to
rigid examinations. The progress of the student in each class is also
tested by his being required to perform written exercises, in which
the principles acquired are applied to the solution of particular

In the course of these lectures notes will be given on the methods
of instruction in Mathematics for the benefit of those students, who
desire to become teachers in this department of study.

Any student entering the school has the privilege of attending all
or any of the classes, and if prepared to enter an advanced class, may
often find it highly advantageous to review his previous studies by
attendance on a lower class also.


Prof. Smith.

This School includes two departments: General Physics and
Practical Physics.

I. General Physics.

Junior Class.—The Junior Class meets three times each week
throughout the session of nine months. The object of the course of
lectures to this class is to furnish the student with a comprehensive
view of Modern Physics and to make him familiar with its methods
of investigation. With the design of laying a thoroughly scientific
basis for the course, a large space is given at the outset to the discussion
of the cardinal doctrines of motion, force and energy, and to
their simpler applications, in the pressure and motion of visible

With this preparation the student proceeds to the subject of Molecular
Physics, embracing Sound, Light, Heat and Electricity.


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Throughout the course the established laws of motion and force are
kept steadily in view, and an attempt is made to exhibit the evidence,
daily becoming stronger and clearer, for the prevalent belief among
scientists, that the entire body of Physics is a coherent and harmonious
system of mechanical truth.

Text-Books.—The Professor's Syllabus. Treatise on Nat. Phil.: by Privat

Senior Class.—This class meets twice each week, and studies
Mechanics and Astronomy.

Text-Books.—Parkinson's Mechanics, in conjunction with the Professor's Syllabus.
Norton's Astronomy, with Chauvenet's Astronomy, for reference.

Candidates for graduation in the school of Natural Philosophy are
required to attend only the foregoing classes.

2. Practical Physics.

To meet the wants of students who may be preparing themselves
to become teachers of science, and of those who, for other reasons,
desire to push their studies in Physics beyond the limits of the lecture
room course, the Visitors have recently instituted a special department
with the above title, and have authorized a separate diploma of
graduation to be given to such as exhibit proficiency in its exercises.
The course of instruction in this class will be partly theoretical and
partly experimental, embracing the following topics:

A. Theoretical. Reduction of Observations. Graphical Representation
of Results. Interpolation. Method of Least Squares.
Essays on Prescribed Physical Topics.

B. Experimental. In this, the main portion of the course, the
student will learn physical manipulation and the use of instruments
by actual practice.

1. Lecture-room Apparatus and lecture-room Experiments.

2. Physical measurements and "instruments of precision." Cathetometer.
Spherometer. Dividing Engine. Goniometer. Balance.
Syren. Monochord: Revolving Mirror. Photometer. Microscope.
Spectroscope. Polariscope. Electrometer. Galvanometer. Meteorological
instruments, with daily use of the same.

Text-Books. Chauvenet, Method of least squares,— Pickering, Physical Manipulation,—
Kohlrausch, Physical Measurements.

By order of the Board of Visitors, the Professor is not required to
form this class if less than six students enter it.


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These subjects are, for the present, annexed to this School, and
are assigned to a separate class, which the members of other classes
in the School may attend without payment of an additional fee. The
lectures embrace Physical Geography and Mineralogy, so far as they
are indispensable to the student of Geology. Special reference is
made to the Geographical structure of Virginia and the neighboring

Text-Book. Dana's Manual of Geology.


Prof. Mallet.

In this School there are two classes:

I. The class in general Chemistry hears three lectures each week
throughout the session. The fundamental ideas of chemical science,
the relations of Chemistry to Physics, the laws regulating chemical
combination by weight and by volume, the atomic theory as at
present viewed in connection with Chemistry, the chemical nomenclature
and symbols now in use, and a general survey of the descriptive
chemistry of the elements and their compounds, inorganic and
organic, are brought forward in order, with incidental allusion to the
applications in medicine, the arts and manufactures of the facts

The attention of medical students is particularly drawn to the
physiological, medical and sanitary relations of the subject—the
chemical nature and properties of poisons, methods of detecting them
and of counteracting their effects, etc.

Text-Book—Fownes' Chemistry, last edition. Recommended for reference: Miller's
Elements of Chemistry; A. Naquet—Principes de Chimie fondée sur les
théories modernes.

Lectures on Pharmacy are given to the students of medicine, this
special course beginning soon after the intermediate examinations.

Text-Book—Parrish's Pharmacy.


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II. The class in Industrial Chemistry to which class also three
lectures a week are delivered studies in detail the chemical principles
and processes specially concerned in the more important arts and
manufactures, upon which in large measure depends the development
of the natural resources of the country, the opportunity being thus
presented of preparation for such positions as those of the miner and
metallurgist, the chemical manufacturer, the dyer, bleacher, tanner,
sugar refiner, etc.

Amongst the more important subjects discussed are: the production
of materials of very general application, including the metallurgy
of iron, copper, lead, zinc, tin, silver, gold, etc.; the preparation and
properties of alloys, and the processes of electro-metallurgy, the
manufacture upon the large scale of acids, alkalies, salts, glass, porcelain
and earthenware; the production and preservation of food,
including the processes of bread-making, wine-making, brewing and
distilling, the manufacture of sugar and vinegar, the curing of meat,
the examination and purification of drinking water, etc.; chemical
arts relating to clothing, such as bleaching, dyeing, calico printing,
tanning, and the preparation of India rubber; the chemistry of those
arts which afford us shelter, embracing the examination of building
materials, lime-burning, the manufacture of mortar and cements, the
explosive agents used in blasting, as gunpowder, gun cotton, nitroglycerine,
pais and varnishes, disinfecting materials, etc.; heating
and ventilation, the different kinds of fuel and modes of burning them;
illumination by artificial means, candles, lamps, the preparation of
petroleum, the manufacture of illuminating gas, matches; the chemistry
of washing, the preparation of soap, starch and perfumes; the
chemical relations of printing and writing, the manufacture of paper,
ink, artists' colors, photographic materials, etc.

Text-Book—Wagner's Chemical Technology, translated by Crookes. For reference—Richardson
and Watt's Chemical Technology; Muspratt's Chemistry as
Applied to Arts and Manufactures; Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures;

Dumas—Traité de Chimie appliquée aux Arts; Percy's Metallurgy, etc.

The lectures to both these classes are illustrated by suitable experiments,
and by such specimens, models, drawings, etc., as the various
subjects require. The collections of the University in illustration of
the processes and products of industrial chemistry have been procured
with much expense and pains in this country, England, France, and
Germany, and are unusually extensive and good—amongst the best,
if not the best, on this side of the Atlantic.


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Prof. Bœck.

The School is divided into three classes:

Junior Class.—Theory and use of Engineering Instruments[1] ,
Land Surveying[1] and Levelling[1] , Construction of Roads, Railroads,
Canals and Tunnels, Spherical Astronomy and Geodesy, Drainage
and Irrigation, General Theory of Building, including Building Materials[1]
, Framing[1] , and Masonry[1] , General Theory of Projections[1] ,
Orthogonal and Oblique Projections of Shades and Shadows, including
Orthogonal and Oblique Projections of Shades and Shadows[1] ,
Topographical Drawings[1] , Constructive and Free-hand Drawing[1] ,
Drawing of Ornaments, etc., Field Practice[1] .

Text-Books.—Notes of the Professor.

Intermediate Class.—General Theory of Building continued,
embracing Lateral Pressure of Earth[1] , Retaining Walls[1] , Piers,
Arches, Foundations above ground and under water[1] , Strength of
Materials and its practical application to entire Constructions[1] , Roofs
and Spires[1] , Private and Public Buildings, Warming and Ventilation
of Buildings, Wooden Bridges, in particular American Wooden
Bridges, Hydraulic Engineering, Construction of Wears and Locks,
River Improvements, Harbors, Supply of Cities and Towns with
Water, Sewerage, Axonometric Projections, including Axonometric
Projections of Shades and Shadows[1] , Perspective, including Perspective
Projections of Shades and Shadows[1] , Stone Cutting, Orders and
Styles of Architecture, Free-hand Drawing continued, Architectural
Drawing and Design.

Text-Books.—Notes of the Professor.

Senior Class.—Stone and Iron Bridges, Movable Bridges, Suspension
Bridges, Mechanical Engineering, Machinery and Machines,
Steam Engines, Mining Engineering, Construction of Furnaces and
Foundries, Architectural and Mechanical Drawing and Design, History
of Architecture, Higher Geodesy and Projection of Maps.

Text-Books.—Notes of the Professor.

For the use of students in this school, a commodious Drawing Hall


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has been fitted up, and ample collections of Field Instruments, and
of Models illustrating the principles of Hydraulic, Architectural and
Mechanical Engineering, have been provided. These models, of admirable
workmanship, were constructed for the University in the
widely known establishment of Schröder, of Darmstadt, Germany.

Agricultural Engineering.

Use of Engineering Instruments, Surveying and Levelling, Construction
of Roads, Drainage and Irrigation, General Theory of
Building, embracing: Building Materials, Framing, Masonry, Foundations,
Flooring, Roofing, Elementary Principles of the Strength of
Materials and their application in practice, Construction of Simple
Wooden Bridges, Rural Architecture, Machinery, Transmission and
Change of Motion, General Theory of Agricultural Implements and
Machines, Drawing and Design.


The Subjects marked by the asterisk are those required for the students of Mining Engineering
in this School.


Prof. Mallet.

Adjunct Prof. Dunnington.

In Analytical Chemistry there are three classes:

I. The first class meets twice each week during the session, on each
occasion spending from two to four hours in practical experiment in
the laboratory. A regularly arranged course of practice in chemical
manipulation is first pursued; qualitative analysis is then taken up,
and the means of detecting the most important chemical substances
having been learned, students are required to find out for themselves,
by analysis, the constituents of unknown materials presented to
them. Special attention is given to substances having useful applications
in the arts or connected with agriculture. Towards the
close of the session the elements of quantitative analysis are taught,
so far as the limitation of time will permit.

II. The laboratory will be open to the second class on six days of
each week during the whole of the working hours of each day. A
full course of instruction in practical chemistry, including the qualitative
and quantitative analysis of ores, soils, manures, technical


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products, etc., will be given; and students will be assisted and encouraged
to undertake original research.

III. The third class is one specially intended for students of medicine,
and will meet for lessons of two hours each, twice in the week
for two months of the session. To this class the practical applications
of chemistry to medicine will be taught, the detection of
poisons, chemical and microscopical examination of animal products,
urine, blood, etc.

Among the works recommended to laboratory students are: Fresenius—Qualitative
and Quantitative Analysis;
H. Rose—Handbueh der analytischen Chemie
(also in French translation); Greville Williams—Handbook of Chemical Manipulation;
Wöhler—Examples for Practice in Chemical Analysis; Von Kobell—Tafeln
zur Bestimmung der Mineralien
(also in English translation); Bolley—Handbuch
der technisch-chemischen Untersuchungen; Odling—Practical Chemistry for Medical
A. H. Church—Laboratory Guide for Agricultural Students.

Besides the above there will also be a class in Practical Pharmacy,
specially intended for medical students, which will receive twelve
lessons during the latter half of the session.

Text-Book.—Parrish's Pharmacy, with Wood and Bache's United States Dispensatory,
for reference.

In Agricultural Chemistry there is one class, to which lectures are
delivered once a week throughout the session; or, when found more
convenient to students of agriculture, a larger number of lectures per
week will be given during a part of the year only.

In this course the chemical and physical properties of soils, of the
atmosphere, and of plants, the chemistry of the processes of vegetable
life and growth, the composition and chemical preparation of
manures, etc, will be discussed.

Text Books—S. W. Johnson—How Crops Grow and How Crops Feed. For reerence,
J. F. W. Johntson—Agricultural Chemistry, R. Hoffman—Theoretisch-praktische

Farmers who are not regular students of the University, but may
desire to attend this special course, are freely invited to do so.

Very liberal provision has been made in the way of material
arrangements for the teachings of this Chair. A new laboratory building
of ample size, specially designed for the purposes of working
students, has been erected, containing all neccessary rooms, fitted
with double windows for the preservation of uniform temperature,
and amply supplied with gas, water and all proper laboratory fixtures;
and all needful apparatus, chemicals, minerals, materials for analysis,
etc., have been imported from Europe in abundance.


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Prof. Jno. R. Page.

This School will be divided into three classes, viz: Zoology,
Botany, and Agriculture.

I. Zoology will include the leading principles of the science, with
special reference to the Anatomy, Physiology, and Morphology of
typical species throughout the animal kingdom.

Special lectures will be given during this course in regard to Insects
injurious to Vegetation; Fish and Oyster culture, and the breeding,
rearing, and diseases of Domestic Animals.

II. Botany will include a minute history of the structure, physiology
and morphology of the plant, in embryo, root, stem, leaf,
flower, fruit, and formation of seed.

During this course, special lectures will be given on Noxious Weeds
and Useful Plants and some of the Fungoid diseases of Plants.

III. Agriculture.—This course will be divided into two parts,
Experimental and Practical.

1. Experimental Agriculture will have reference to the food of
Plants in the Atmosphere and Soil; the formation, variety, classification
and adaptation of soils to various crops, illustrated by suitable

2. Practical Agriculture will relate to the Soil Cultivated, its
nature, exposure and drainage; the importance of making Domestic
Manures and their application; the use of Fertilizers, with experiments,
in order to show their effects. Tillage illustrated practically
on the farm, in plowing, subsoiling, harrowing, rolling, etc.; in preparing
the land for the reception of Seed, as well as in the cultivation
of Crops. Special instruction will be given in regard to the practical
management of teams, in the various mechanical operations on the

The lectures in the three classes will be delivered concurrently
throughout the session as far as practicable.

The following Text-Books will be used in this School:

Manual of Zoology, Nicholson; School and Field Book of Botany, Gray; How
Crops Grow, Johnson; How Crops Feed, Johnson.

The following may be usefully referred to in connection with different parts of
the course: Carpenter's "Zoology;" Harris' "Insects Injurious to Vegetation;"
Chapman's "Flora of the Southern States;" "How to Farm Profitably," Mechi;
"Muck Manual," Dana; American Weeds and Useful Plants," Darlington.


Page 40


In order to encourage the study of Scientific and Practical Agriculture
in Virginia, and thus promote the Farming and Planting
interests of the State, forty Farmers' Scholarships, (one for each
Senatorial district) will be open next session in the University,
in addition to the fifty State scholarships now existing under the law.
These Scholarships will be tenable for two years, and afford FREE
TUITION in the following schools:

1. Natural History and Agriculture.

2. General and Industrial Chemistry.

3. Agricultural Chemistry, and a prescribed course in Analytical
Chemistry in connexion with it.

4. Natural Philosophy.

5. Mathematics.

6. History and English Literature.

The amounts thus saved to the students appointed will be from $75
to $100 each session, according to the schools taken.

The Farmers' Scholarships will be conferred on those whose parents
are unable and who are themselves unable to incur the expense of
their education without aid, and who will declare their bona fide intention
to become farmers or planters.

The appointments will be made on the 20th of September. Applicants
must be at least seventeen years of age.

Applications containing satisfactory declarations as to the above
conditions, and accompanied by testimonials of irreproachable moral
character, and of capacity to profit by the instruction given in the
University, may be addressed to

Chairman of the Faculty.

No Page Number

Medical Department.

Professor of Comparative Anatomy, Physiology and Surgery.

Text-Books.—Dalton's Physiology, Huxley's Elements of Physiology, Laurence
and Moon on Ophthalmic Surgery, Ashurst's Surgery.

Professor of Anatomy and Materia Medica.

Text-Books.—Wilson's Anatomy and Wood's Therapeutics.

Professor of Medical Jurisprudence, Obstetrics, and Practice of

Text-Books.—Flint's Practice of Medicine, (last edition), Hartshorne's Essentials,
Taylor's Medical Jurisprudence, (Penrose), Leishman's Midwifery, (last

J. W. MALLET, M. D., LL. D.,
Professor of Chemistry and Pharmacy.

Text-Books.—Fownes' Chemistry and Parrish's Pharmacy.

Demonstrator of Anatomy.

The Medical Department is organized on the same general plan as
the other departments of the University, the distinctive features of
which are comprehensiveness and thoroughness of instruction, and
the graduation of the student upon satisfactory evidences of attainments
only, without regard to the length of time he may have been
attending the lectures. An experience of more than forty years has
fully tested the excellence of the plan. The scholarship of the
alumni of the institution and the value of its degrees are now freely
conceded by cultivated and liberal men throughout the country.


Page 42

The Medical Department of the University aims at thorough work
in its special province, to wit: the instruction of the student in the
principles of medicine, and his discipline in the modes of acquiring
and applying knowledge. Thus, whilst the only solid foundation of
professional attainments is laid, the mental faculties are expanded
and strengthened for that growth in knowledge, usefulness and distinction
to which every one who enlists in an honorable and responsible
profession should aspire. The organization and arrangements by
which these aims are successfully accomplished may be briefly stated:


The length of the session (nine months) renders it convenient and
eligible to distribute the subjects of instruction among a smaller
number of Professors than in the other medical schools of the United
States whose sessions are only four or five months long. Thus, to
one Professor is assigned Comparative Anatomy, Physiology and
Surgery; to another, Human Anatomy and Materia Medica; to a
third, Chemistry and Pharmacy; and to a fourth, Medical Jurisprudence,
Obstetrics, and the Practice of Medicine. This distribution
renders it practicable to bring the different subjects to the attention
of the student in their natural and successive order. The arrangement
of the lectures is such that he acquires a competent knowledge
of Anatomy, human and comparative, Physiology and Chemistry,
before he enters upon the study of the principles and practice of
Medicine and Surgery, which can only be studied properly in the
lights shed upon them by the former. The instructions in Materia
Medica and Pharmacy are also given in due relation to the progress
of the student in Chemistry.


The introduction of Pharmacy into the course of instruction is
another feature of interest, serving as it does to initiate the student
into an art which he will find of value when he comes to the practice
of his profession.


Favored as the student is in the comprehensiveness, scientific basis
and order of his studies, he is not less favored by arrangements
which give ample time for the preparation of every lecture, and
address motives to him for such preparation. Each professor gives


Page 43
three regular lectures a week, with occasional extra lectures, making
the average weekly aggregate not over fourteen, or a little more than
two a day. The student, therefore, is not over-burthened with lecture-room
attendance. He has time for study in his private room, to
consult books and compare their teachings with the oral instructions
of his Professors, and to digest and systematise his acquisitions from
both sources. The daily examinations which precede every lecture
supply the stimulus to regular and active study, serve as summary
reviews of what he has already heard or read, and as correctives of
any misconceptions he may have fallen into in his hearing or reading.
The daily examinations constitute a very valuable part of the exercises
of the Institution, and are taken into account in determining
the fitness of a student for graduation.


The equipment of the Medical Department in apparatus, specimens
and drawings is extensive and excellent. The collection of paintings
for the illustration of the lectures on Anatomy, Physiology and Surgery,
several hundred in number, is unequalled by anything of the
kind in the United States, or perhaps abroad.


The Department furnishes every facility for the study of practical
Anatomy that can be furnished in similar institutions elsewhere.
Adequate provision is made for the supply of subjects, and each
student has the opportunity, by actual dissections under the guidance
of the Demonstrator of Anatomy, of acquiring a practical knowledge
of the structure of the human body in all its parts.


The degree of Doctor of Medicine is conferred upon such students
as prove their fitness for the same by rigid and searching examination.
It has ever been the policy of the Institution to make its
honors testimonials of merit, and not certificates of attendance on a
prescribed course of instruction. In accordance with this policy, the
degree of Doctor of Medicine may be conferred upon a first-course
student if found worthy of it. Not only is it within reach of the
intelligent, diligent and persevering to graduate in one session of nine
months, but in point of fact many do thus graduate.


Page 44


In addition to the usual course of Medical Lectures, two
special courses of instruction will be given by the Professor of
Analytical Chemistry, to such Medical Students as may desire to pursue

1st. Sixteen lessons in the practical applications of Chemistry to
Medicine, (the detection of poisons, chemical and microscopic examinations
of animal products, urine, blood, etc.).

2nd. Twelve lessons in practical pharmaceutical manipulations.

Each of the above (optional) courses will be at a charge of $20
tuition fee, and $5 for laboratory material consumed.

No Page Number

Law Department.

Professor of Common and Statute Law.

Professor of Civil, International and Constitutional Law and Equity.

This Department is organized with a view to acquaint the student
familiarly and practically with the principles of his profession. The
instruction is as thorough as possible, and is given partly through
text-books and partly through lectures, with daily examinations upon

A Moot-Court, in connection with other instruction, tends to perfect
the student in the details of practice. Under the immediate
supervision of the Professors, he is required to pronounce opinions
upon supposed cases; to devise and institute remedies by suit or
otherwise; to conduct suits at law and in equity from their inception
through all their stages; to draw wills, conveyances and other
assurances; and, in short, to perform most of the functions of a
practising lawyer.

The Department comprises two Schools, each of which is divided
into two classes, and the course of study is as follows:—


Professor Minor.

Junior Class.—Blackstone's Commentaries, Synopsis of Criminal
Law, Synopsis of Common and Statute Law, Chitty on Contracts.

Senior Class.—Stephen on Pleading, Kent's Commentaries, Law
of Executors, etc.

For Reference—Virginia Code, (1860), Brightley's Digest of United


Page 46


Professor Southall.

Junior Class.—Vattel's International Law, Lectures on Government,

Senior Class.—Smith's Mercantile Law, Greenleaf's Evidence,
Barton's Suit in Equity, Adams' Equity.

In the Department of Law, the degree of Bachelor of Law is
conferred upon those who, upon examination conducted in writing,
manifest an intimate acquaintance with the subjects taught in all the
classes; and to those who, upon like examination, exhibit a competent
knowledge of International and Constitutional Law, and of the
Science of Government, a certificate of proficiency is awarded.

In order to obtain the degree the whole of the foregoing course
must be completed here, no preliminary examination being had upon

The course is designed for two sessions, and in general, it is not
prudent to devote less to it, the future professional success of the
student depending much upon his full mastery of it. It is a maxim
sanctioned by long and wide experience, that "he who is not a good
lawyer when he comes to the bar, will seldom be a good one afterwards."
And in order to such thorough acquaintance with the
elements of the law, thought is requisite as well as reading; and for
the purpose of thought, there must be time to digest, as well as
industry to acquire. One cannot expect to gorge himself with law, as
a boa constrictor does with masses of food, and then digest it afterwards,
the process of assimilation must go on, if it is to proceed
healthfully, and beneficially, at the same time, with the reception of
the knowledge. So the athlete judges, who wishes to train the physical
man to the most vigorous development, and the intellectual athlete
cannot do better than imitate the example.

But whilst the student is advised, as a general rule, to avoid the
attempt to complete the course in a single session, yet if he chooses
to essay it, (as some do successfully), he is admitted to stand the
graduating examinations, and if he attains the standard required, he
is entitled to his degree.


Page 47

The expenses of the Law Student, as appears from page 55 of the
catalogue, amount to about $356 for a session of nine months, commencing
1st October, 1875; or if he messes, to about $266 per session.

No Page Number

Agricultural Department.

Professor of Natural History, Experimental and Practical Agriculture.

JOHN W. MALLET, Ph. D., LL. D., M. D.,
Professor of General and Applied Chemistry.

Professor of Applied Mathematics and Engineering.

Adjunct Professor of Analytical and Agricultural Chemistry.

The late Samuel Miller, of Lynchburg, having by deed given in
trust one hundred thousand dollars for the establishment of a Department
of Scientific and Practical Agriculture at the University of
Virginia, the Trustees under this deed met the Rector and Visitors of
the University on the 17th of September, 1869, and arrangements
were made for putting the said department in operation. These
arrangements have, subsequently, by action taken at various times,
been extended and added to, the above-named Professors have been
nominated by the Trustees of the "Miller Fund" and elected by the
Board of Visitors of the University, certain lands belonging to the
University have been set aside and brought into cultivation as an
Experimental Farm, a machine for the manufacture of drain tiles has
been imported from England and put in operation, and implements,
apparatus, models and specimens of various kinds have been collected
as material aids to the course of instruction.

In this, as in all the other departments of the University, entire
freedom of choice is left to the student as to the schools he shall
attend and the order in which he shall attend them, and this choice
will be influenced in individual cases by the nature and extent of previous
preparation as well as by difference of ulterior aim; but a
student of average ability, who has already had a fair general education,
and who comes to the University with the intention of devoting
himself to the study of the principles upon which Agriculture is based,


Page 49
will probably do well to select for the first year Natural Philosophy
(Jun. Class), Chemistry (general) Natural History and Mineralogy
and Geology; and for the second year Scientific and Practical Agriculture,
Agricultural and Industrial Chemistry (including the first
Laboratory class of Analytical Chemistry) and Agricultural Engineering.
This arrangement of studies may with advantage be expanded
to a course for three years, or may be varied by the selection of other
Schools when deemed desirable. For the method of study in the
respective Schools, reference should be made to the preceding pages
of this catalogue.

    Trustees of Miller Fund.


  • A. RIVES.

  • W, W. MINOR.

  • S. T. FICKLIN.




  • R. T. W. DUKE, Secretary.

Final and Graduating Examinations


May 24th,  Wednesday,  Senior Natural Philosophy. 
May 27,  Saturday,  Literature. 
May 30,  Tuesday,  Greek I. 
June 3,  Saturday,  Latin II. 
June 5,  Monday,  Intermediate Mathematics. 
June 7,  Wednesday,  History, Zoology. 
June 9,  Friday,  German. 
June 10,  Saturday,  Applied Chemistry. 
June 12,  Monday,  Junior Natural Philosophy. 
June 14,  Wednesday,  Latin III. 
June 15,  Thursday,  Anglo Saxon. 
June 16,  Friday,  General Chemistry. 
June 17,  Saturday,  French. 
June, 19,  Monday,  Greek II. 
June 20,  Tuesday,  Geology. 
June 21,  Wednesday,  Moral Philosophy. 
June 22,  Thursday,  Practical Agriculture. 
June 23,  Friday,  Junior Applied Mathematics. 
June 24,  Saturday,  Int. and Jun. Latin. 
June 26,  Monday,  Jun. and Sen. Mathematics. 

No Page Number


Any person of unexceptional character and habits, upon producing
to the Faculty satisfactory evidence of suitable capacity and attainments,
will be licensed by the Faculty to form classes for private
instruction in any School of the University, in aid of and in conformity
to the public teachings of the Professor upon any subject
taught therein. The employment, selection and compensation of any
such Licentiate is left to the option of the students.

Scheme of Lectures.

8h. to 9h.  9h. to 10h.  10h. to 11h.  11h. to 12 1-2.  12 1-2 to 2h.  3h. to 4 1-2. 
MONDAY.  Sen. Latin.
Sen. Ap. Mat.
8 to 9 1-2. 
Sen. Greek.
Int. Latin.
Hist. & Lit.
Sen. Nat. Phil
Phys. & Surg.
9 to 11. 
Sen. Mat.
Jun. Law.
Sen. German.
Sen. Law.
Jun. Greek.
An. Chem. 
Polt. Econ.
Jun. Mat.
3 1-2 to 5.
Ind. Chem.
3 1-2 to 5. 
TUESDAY.  Jun. French.
Sen. Greek.
Int. Ap. Mat. 
Jun. German.
Int. Ap. Mat. 
Hist. & Lit.
9 to 11.
Jun. Ap. Mat. 
Jun. Nat. Phil
Sen. Law.
Int. Greek.
Jun. Latin.
Jun. Law.
An. Chem. 
Moral Phil.
Ag. Chem.
3 1-2 to 5.
Nat. His & Ag 
WED'DAY.  Sen. Latin.
Sen. Ap. Mat.
8 to 9 1-2. 
Sen. Greek.
Int. Latin.
Jun. Ap. Mat. 
Hist. & Lit.
Sen. Nat. Phil
Phys. & Surg.
9 to 11. 
Sen. Mat.
Jun. Law. 
Sen. German.
Sen. Law.
Jun. Greek.
An. Chem. 
Ind. Chem.
Jun. Mat.
3 1-2 to 5.
Polit. Econ. 
THURS.  Jun. French.
Int. Ap. Mat. 
Sen. French.
Int. Ap. Mat. 
Hist. & Lit.
9 to 11. 
Jun. Nat. Phil
Sen. Law. 
An. Chem.
Int. Math.
Jun. Law. 
Moral Phil.
3 1-2 to 5.
Nat. His & Ag 
FRIDAY.  Sen. Latin.
Sen. Ap. Mat. 
Sen. Greek.
Int. Latin.
Jun. Ap. Mat. 
Hist. & Lit.
Sen. Nat. Phil
Phys. & Surg.
9 to 11. 
Sen. Mat.
Jun. Law. 
Int. Greek.
Jun. Latin.
Sen. Law.
Jun. Mat.
Ind. Chem.
3 1-2 to 5. 
SAT.  Jun. German.  Sen. French.  Jun. Latin.
9 to 11.
Jun. Ap. Mat. 
Jun. Nat. Phil
Sen. Law. 
An. Chem.
Int. Mat.
Jun. Law. 
Moral Phil.
3 1-2 to 5.
Nat. His & Ag 

No Page Number


The examinations are of three kinds: 1, the Daily examinations
2, the Intermediate and Final general examinations; and 3, the examinations
for Graduation.


Each Professor, before commencing the lecture of the day, examines
his class orally on the subject of the preceding lecture as developed
in the text-book and expounded in the lecture.


Two general examinations of each class are held during the session
in the presence of a committee of the Faculty, which every student
is required to stand. The first, called the Intermediate examination,
is held about the middle of the session, and embraces in its scope the
subjects of instruction in the first half of the course. The second
called the Final examination, is held in the closing week of the session,
and embraces the subjects treated of in the second half of the
course. These examinations are conducted in writing. The questions
propounded have each numerical values attached to them. If
the answers of the student are valued in the aggregate at not less than
three-fourths of the aggregate values assigned to the questions, he is
ranked in the first division; if less than three-fourths and more than
one-half, in the second division; if less than one-half and more than
one-fourth, in the third division; and if less than one-fourth, in the
fourth division.

Certificates of distinction are awarded to those who attain the first
division at one or both of these examinations, and their names are
published or announced in the closing exercises of the session.

The general examinations are sufficiently comprehensive and difficult
to render it impossible for the student without steady diligence
to secure a place in the first division. The results, whatever they
may be, are communicated to parents and guardians respectively in
the final circular of the session.

The standing of the student at the daily and general examinations


Page 52
is taken into account in ascertaining his qualifications for graduation
in any of the schools.


The examinations for graduation are held in the last month of the
session. They are conducted in each school by the Professor thereof
in the presence of two other Professors, forming with him the Committee
of examination for the school.

The candidates for graduation are subjected to searching interrogations
on the details and niceties as well as the leading principles of
the subject, and they are expected to be accurately versed in all the
topics treated of in the lectures and correlative text.

These examinations are chiefly carried on in writing; but in some
of the schools they are partly oral.

As a due acquaintance with the English language is indispensable
to the attainment of any of the honors of the Institution, all candidates
for graduation are required to exhibit in their examination due
qualifications in this respect.


The degrees conferred by the University are Academic and Professional.

The Academic Degrees are:

1. That of Proficient—conferred for satisfactory attainments in
certain subjects of study, to wit: in Anglo-Saxon, the Junior and
Intermediate Course of Mathematics, Mineralogy and Geology,
Physics, Physiology, Medical Jurisprudence, Human Anatomy, Botany,
Political Economy, History, Literature, International Law and
Government, Pharmacy and Agricultural Chemistry.

2. That of Graduate in a School—conferred for satisfactory attainments,
in the leading subjects of instruction in the same, to wit: in
the Latin Language and Literature, in the Greek Language and Literature,
in the French Language and Literature, in the German
Language and Literature, Mixed Mathematics, Pure Mathematics,
Natural Philosophy Practical Physics, Moral Philosophy History and
Literature, Applied Mathematics, Analytical Chemistry, General
Chemistry, Industrial Chemistry, and Natural History and Practical


Page 53

3. That of Bachelor of Letters—conferred upon such students as
have graduated in the school of Ancient and Modern Languages,
Moral Philosophy, and History and Literature.

4. That of Bachelor of Science—conferred on such students as
have graduated in the schools of Mathematics, Natural Philosophy
and General Chemistry, and who are proficients in the classes of
Mineralogy and Geology, and who have attained distinctions in the
Junior Class of Applied Mathematics, and made satisfactory attainments
in the first Laboratory class of Analytical Chemistry.

5. That of Bachelor of Arts—conferred on such students as have
graduated in Latin, Greek, General Chemistry, Moral Philosophy,
and French or German, and have obtained certificates of Proficiency,
in Junior and Intermediate Mathematics, Physics, and History
or Literature.

6. That of Master of Arts of the University of Virginia—confer- red upon students who have graduated in the Latin, Greek, French
and German Languages, Pure Mathematics, Natural Philosophy,
General Chemistry, Moral Philosophy, and History and Literature.
and who have passed satisfactory general examinations, in review,
on all the subjects embraced in the courses of these schools.

The candidate for the degree of Bachelor or Master of Arts is also
required to submit to the approval of the Faculty an essay, composed
by himself, on some subject of Literature or science, which essay
must be read by the author on the Public Day, if so ordered.

The Professional Degrees are:

1. That of Bachelor of Law—conferred on satisfactory attainments
in all the subjects of instruction in the schools of Law.

2. That of Doctor of Medicine—conferred for satisfactory attainments
in all the Subjects of instruction, except Botany, in the several
schools constituting the Medical Department.

Candidates for the degree of Doctor of Medicine who have been
previously declared graduates in General Chemistry, or proficients in
Anatomy, Physiology, or Medical Jurisprudence, are not required
to stand the examinations of these subjects anew; and the same
rule applies to candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Law who are
Proficients in International Law and Government.

3. That of Civil Engineer—conferred on such students as have
graduated in the schools of Mathematics, Natural Philosophy, Applied
Mathematics, and General Chemistry or Industrial Chemistry,


Page 54
(Proficiency in the Lecture course), and obtained a certificate of
proficiency in Mineralogy and Geology.

4. That of Mining Engineer—conferred on such students as have
graduated in the schools of General and Industrial Chemistry, Analytical
Chemistry, and Natural Philosophy, and obtained certificates
of proficiency in Junior and Intermediate Mathematics, in a prescribed
course of Applied Mathematics, and in Mineralogy and Geology.

5. That of Civil and Mining Engineer—conferred on such students
as have graduated in Pure Mathematics, Natural Philosophy, including
Mineralogy and Geology, General and Industrial Chemistry,
Applied Mathematics, and Analytical Chemistry.


On the closing day of the session, which occurs on Thursday before
the fourth day of July, the Visitors, Faculty, Officers, and Students
of the University assemble in the Public Hall—whither also
the friends of the students and the public generally are invited. On
this occasion the results of the examinations are announced, certificates
and diplomas awarded, and addresses delivered by the Bachelors
and Masters of Arts.


The charges common to all classes of students, if two occupy the
same room, are as follows:

Matriculation and library fee  $ 30 00 
Room-rent  15 00 
Contingent deposit  10 00 
Infirmary fee  7 50 
Fuel and lights, about  25 00 
Board, including diet, room furniture, and servants' attendance  180 00 
Washing $1.50 per month—per session  13 50 
$281 00 

By messing the board may be reduced to $90, and thus the expenses
above enumerated may be reduced to $186.

The tuition fees of Academic students attending three schools (the
usual number attended in one session) amount to $75; of law students
to $80; of students of Civil Engineering, attending three


Page 55
schools, to $100; and of Medical students to $110. Adding tuition
fees to the above estimate of common expenses ($276), gives the
aggregate of the necessary expenses of students, exclusive of textbooks,
clothing and pocket-money, as follows:

By messing. 
Academic students  $356  $266 
Law students  361  271 
Engineering students  381  291 
Medical students  391  301 

The following are the fees for the students of Analytical and Agricultural

For the first Laboratory class, $50, and an additional charge of
$10 for Laboratory material consumed.

For the second Laboratory class $100, and a charge of $25 for
Laboratory material consumed.

For the third Laboratory class (special course for Medical students)
or for the class in Practical Pharmacy $20, and a charge of $5 for
Laboratory material consumed.

Each Laboratory student, in whatever course of instruction, excepting
that of Practical Pharmacy, will be required to furnish himself
with the more common and generally necessary articles of aparatus.
The costs of a suitable set need not exceed $15.

For the course of lectures on Agricultural Chemistry, if taken without
the Laboratory course, $15; but Laboratory students of any
class are entitled to attend these lectures free of charge.

For the course of Practical Physics $100 when six lessons a week
are given, and $50 when three only are given; these fees, including
all charges except those for breakage of apparatus.

All the foregoing items are payable in advance, except board and
washing. One-third ($60) of the board is required on admission,
and the balance in equal installments at three and six months thereafter.
Washing is paid for monthly, as the service is rendered.

The contingent deposit is designed to cover any assessments that
may be made against the student during the session for violation of
the rules of the library, damage to books, room, etc. The residue,
less these assessments, which are generally small, and may be nothing,
is refunded to the student on the settlement of his account at the
close of the session.


Page 56


There is a well-appointed infirmary connected with the University
for the care and comfort of sick students. Every student on admission
deposits the infirmary fee ($7.50), which entitles him, in case of
sickness during the session, to the advice and attention of the infirmary
physicians (Professors in the Medical Department), and if necessary,
nursing by professional nurses without additional charge.


There are three large boarding-houses within the precincts of the
University, and several outside, but in the immediate vicinity. At
these, nearly all the students find accommodations, and at charges
essentially the same. Some find accomodations in private families;
some also, for the sake of economy, mess together and board themselves.

To secure rooms in the University buildings, application may be
made by letter to the Proctor; but if the rent is not deposited with
him before the 15th of September, the room is considered to be unengaged.


No abatement is made in the matriculation and tuition fees and
room rent on account of late entrance, unless the student enters after
the first of January, and no portion of the same is refunded on
account of withdrawal before the close of the session, unless the
withdrawal be rendered necessary by ill health, and occur before the
first of March. The charges for board, fuel, lights and washing are
estimated from the time of entrance. Many disadvantages to the
student result from late entrance; therefore prompt attendance at the
beginning of the session is earnestly enjoined upon all who wish to
derive the full benefits of the course of instruction.


An Act of the Legislature prohibits merchants and others; under
severe penalties, from crediting students. The license to contract
debts, which the chairman is authorized to grant, is confined (except
when the parent or guardian otherwise in writing requests) to cases
of urgent necessity; and these, it is hoped, parents and guardians
will as far as possible prevent from arising by the timely supply of the
requisite funds.


Page 57


Ministers of the Gospel may attend any of the schools of the University
without the payment of fees to the Professors. The same
privilege will be extended to any young man preparing for the ministry,
on condition that he shall submit testimonials that he is a bona
candidate for the ministry, and unable to meet the expenses of
education at the University without aid.


Wm. Wertenbaker, Librarian.

The library of the University, originally selected and arranged by
Mr Jefferson, and since enlarged by purchases and donations, now
contains about 35,000 volumes.

Students are allowed the use of the books under the usual restrictions,
and the librarian is present in the library for four hours daily,
to attend to their wants.

Society of Alumni.


  • B. Johnson Barbour, President.

  • T. B. Witherspoon, 1st Vice President.

  • Hilary P. Jones, 2nd Vice President.

  • C. D. Fishburne, Secretary and Treasurer.


  • A. R. Blakey,

  • W. C. N. Randolph,

  • R. T. W. Duke,

  • N. H. Massie,

  • Horace W. Jones,

  • W. A. Quarles,

  • W. R. Abbott.

The Society holds its meetings at the close of the session. An
orator or an essayist is annually appointed by the Society from among
its members, and the oration or essay is delivered in the Public Hall
on the Public Day. The orators for this year are Hon. R. M. T.
Hunter and Gen. John Preston, of South Carolina. A poem will
also be delivered by Daniel B. Lucas, of Charlestown, West Va.


The following Associations of Alumni have been formed for the
purpose of maintaining a close connection with the University, and


Page 58
of furthering the cause of education and letters in harmony with the
plan and standard of the parent institution:

  • Albemarle, Va.—W. J. Robertson, President.

  • R. H. Carter, Vice Presidents.

  • W. W. Minor, Sr., Vice Presidents.

  • B. H. Magruder, Vice Presidents.

  • R. T. W. Duke, Vice Presidents.

  • G. Perkins, Secretary and Treasurer.

  • S. V. Southall, Executive Committee.

  • J. M. White, Executive Committee.

  • W. O. English, Executive Committee.

  • T. S. Martin, Executive Committee.

  • J. M. McBryde, Executive Committee.

  • G. Perkins, Executive Committee.

  • St. Louis, Mo.—James O. Broadhead. President.

  • John Wickham, Vice President.

  • William C. Marshall, Treasurer,

  • L. C. P. Ellerbe, Secretary.

  • New York.—E. C. Cabell, President.

  • ———, Secretary.

  • Alexandria, Va.—W. D. Stuart, President,

  • R. S. Stringfellow, 1st Vice President.

  • John S. Blackburn, 2nd Vice President.

  • K. Kemper, Secretary.

  • Linden Lent, Executive Committee.

  • George Mason, Executive Committee.

  • C. E. Stuart, Executive Committee.

  • S. C. Neale, Executive Committee.

  • Petersburg, Va.—Thomas Withers, M. D., President.

  • Col. Fletcher H. Archer, Vice President.

  • W. Gordon McCabe, Secretary and Treasurer.

  • Richmond, Va.—Col. John B. Young, President.

  • Col. H. P. Jones, 1st Vice President.

  • W. H. Haxall, 2nd Vice President.

  • R. E. Withers, 3rd Vice President.

  • Philip Haxall, Secretary.

  • Wm. B. Isaacs, Jr., Treasurer.

  • President ex-officio Executive Committee.

  • H. D. Davidson, Executive Committee.

  • T. R. Joynes, Executive Committee.

  • S. H. Pulliam, Executive Committee.

  • J. P. Cocke, Executive Committee.

  • Lower Shenandoah
    Valley, Winchester.
    Col. Thos. T. Fauntleroy, President.

  • A. Magill Smith, Vice President.

  • Col. F. W. M. Holliday, Vice President.

  • Alexander R. Pendleton, Secretary.

  • Augusta County,
    Staunton, &c.
    Hon. A. H. H. Stuart, President.

  • Wm. Frazier, 1st Vice President..

  • Dr. A. M. Fauntleroy, 2nd Vice President.

  • Major Marshall Hanger, 3d Vice President.

  • Capt. Chas. D. McCoy, Secretary.

  • M. Meade F. White, Treasurer.


Page 59
  • Lynchburg, Va.—R. G. H. Kean, President.

  • Dr. Thos. L. Walker, Vice President.

  • New Orleans, La.—Wm. M. Burwell, President.

  • T. L. Macon, Vice President.

  • I. H. Kennard, Seeretary and Treasurer.

  • Maryland.—R. M. Venable, President.

  • C. Pembroke Thom, 1st Vice President.

  • J. M. Garnett, 2nd Vice President.

  • H. R. Noel, 3d Vice President.

  • W. R. Dowman, 4th Vice President.

  • H. C. Turnbull, 5th Vice President.

  • M. R. Walter, Secretary and Treasurer.

  • Southwestern Va.
    — Hon. John W. Johnston, President.

  • Hon. William Terry, Vice President.

  • Dr. Rob. J. Preston, Vice President.

  • Dr. Harvey Black, Vice President.

  • Capt. John M. Preston, Vice President.

  • Prof. C. E. Vawter, Vice President.

  • M. R. Venable, Secretary and Treasurer.

  • Columbia, Tenn.—W. A Smith, M. D., President.

  • Hugh T. Gordon, Secretary.

  • Watkins Fleming, Treasurer.


There are two Literary Societies (the Washington Society and the
Jefferson Society) of long standing connected with the University.
They meet weekly in their respective halls for the purpose of cultivating
debate and composition, and occasionally hold public exhibitions.


Morality and Religion are recognised as the foundation and indispensable
concomitants of education. The discipline is sedulously
administered with a view to confirm integrity and to maintain a sacred
regard for truth. Great efforts are made to surround the students
with religious influences; but experience has proved that the best
way to effect this result is to forbear the employment of coercion,
and the attendance on religious exercises is entirely voluntary.
Prayers are held every morning in the chapel, and divine service is
performed on Sunday by a chaplain selected in turn from the principal
religious denominations.


By means of a Young Men's Christian Association new-comers are
brought under good influences, and the energies of students willing
to engage in the active Christian enterprises of the neighborhood are
called into exercise.


Page 60


The Friends of Temperance are represented by University Council
No. 46, an association which has done good service in guarding
young men against dangerous excesses, and in promoting literary and
moral culture.


At the end of every month a circular letter is addressed by the
Chairman of the Faculty to the parent or guardian of each student,
in which are stated his absences from lectures and examinations, and
any other irregularity of which he may have been guilty, together
with such further information as to the student's progress and conduct
as it may be deemed proper to communicate. The object of
such report being on the one hand to incite the student to steady
diligence by eliciting the commendation and encouragement of his
friends, and on the other to restrain him from idleness and disorder,
or to urge him to amendment by their admonition and advice, the
usefulness of these circulars greatly depends upon the prompt and
judicious attention they receive from those to whom they are addressed.
Parents and guardians therefore cannot be too earnest in
communicating such advice or encouragement as the monthly report
may suggest.


Eleven Scholarships, entitling the successful candidates at a competitive
examination to prosecute their studies for one session at the
University of Virginia without the payment of matriculation fees or
tuition fees, will be open to new-comers from all the States at the
beginning of the next academic year, (October 1st). Of these eleven
Scholarships five are in the Academic Department, and two each in
the departments of Law, of Medicine, and of Industrial Chemistry,
Civil and Mining Engineering and Agriculture. The examination is
uniform, and embraces Latin, Greek, Mathematics, and English; and
in order to secure positive attainments the right is reserved to reject
any papers that do not reach the standard required for distinction at
the Final Examination in Junior Latin, Junior Greek, and Junior
Mathematics, and do not show a competent acquaintance with the
grammatical and rhetorical structure of the English language.


Page 61


To render education at the University accessible to meritorious
young men of limited means, provision has been made by the Legislature
for the admission of one student from each Senatorial District
of the State without payment of matriculation and tuition fees and
rents, an amount of $120 to $150 according to the schools taken.
This provision is meant to be restricted to those who themselves are
unable, and whose parents are unable to incur the expense of their
education at this Institution without aid.

State students are appointed by the Faculty upon satisfactory
testimonials of fitness. The term of appointment is for two years,
but for extraordinary proficiency it may be prolonged. They stand
in all respects except expense on the same footing as other students,
enjoying the same privileges and subject to the same laws. By way
of remuneration to the State for the aid thus afforded them, they are
required on admission to sign an engagement to teach in some public
or private school in Virginia for two years after leaving the University,
the emoluments of such service enuring of course to their own


The applicant for a State appointment must state his age (which
must be at least seventeen) and designate the Schools of the University
he may wish to enter. He must submit satisfactory testimonials
of irreproachable moral character and of capacity, as well by partial
cultivation as original vigor of mind, to profit by the instruction
given at the University, and of the fact that neither he nor his parents
are able to incur the expenses of his education without aid.

The Faculty will proceed on the 29th day of June, 1875, to make
appointments of State students for vacant districts. The following
are the districts under the new Constitution, all of which, except
those indicated by an asterisk, will be vacant at the close of the
present session.

☞ Applications should be addressed to the Chairman of the
Faculty in the following form:—

To the Chairman of the University of Virginia:

————— 187

Sir: I respectfully apply for the appointment of State Student
from the County—. I was — years of age on the — day of
—, 18—. I reside in — County. I forward herewith testimonials


Page 62
of Character, and certificates of my inability to pay the tuition
fees at the University, together with letters from the teachers with
whom I have studied. Very respectfully &c.

  • I. Loudoun, Alexandria, Fairfax and Prince William.

  • II. Orange, Culpeper and Madison.

  • III. Fluvanna, Buckingham and Appomattox.

  • IV. Franklin and Henry.

  • V. Campbell.

  • VI. Halifax.

  • *VII. Richmond City and Henrico.

  • *VIII. Nottoway, Lunenburg, and Brunswick.

  • IX. City of Petersburg, Prince George and Surry.

  • X. Dinwiddie, Greenville, and Sussex.

  • XI. County of Norfolk and City of Portsmouth.

  • XII. Hanover and Caroline.

  • XIII. Essex, King and Queen, and King William.

  • *XIV. Frederick, Clarke, and Warren.

  • XV. Shenandoah and Page.

  • XVI. Augusta.

  • XVII. Alleghany, Roanoke, Botetourt, and Craig.

  • XVIII. Carroll, Grayson, and Wythe.

  • XIX. Lee, Wise and Buchanan.

  • XX. Scott and Russell.

  • XXI. Fauquier and Rappahannock.

  • XXII. Stafford, Spotsylvania, and Louisa.

  • XXIII. Albemarle and Greene.

  • *XXIV. Amelia, Cumberland and Prince Edward.

  • XXV. Nelson and Amherst.

  • XXVI. Pittsylvania.

  • XXVII. Bedford.

  • *XXVIII. Charles City, James City, York, Warwick and Elizabeth City.

  • XXIX. King George, Westmoreland, Richmond, Northumberland and Lancaster.

  • XXX. Charlotte and Mecklenburg.

  • XXXI. Chesterfield, Goochland and Powhatan.

  • XXXII. Nansemond, Isle of Wight and Southampton.

  • XXXIII. Norfolk City and County of Princess Anne.

  • XXXIV. New Kent, Gloucester, Mathews and Middlesex.

  • XXXV. Accomac and Northampton.

  • XXXVI. Rockingham.

  • XXXVII. Rockbridge, Highland and Bath.

  • XXXVIII. Montgomery, Floyd and Patrick.

  • *XXXIX. Giles, Pulaski, Bland and Tazewell.

  • XL. Washington and Smyth.

In addition to the appointments to be made from the foregoing
vacant districts, four will be made from the State at large; the remaining
six, (the total number being ten), have already been made.


Under an act of the Legislature entitled "A bill to encourage donations
to the University of Virginia, and to constitute the State of
Virginia the trustee thereof," "any person may deposit in the treasury
of this State, or bequeath money, stocks, or public bonds of any
kind to be so deposited, or grant, devise or bequeath property,


Page 63
real or personal, to be sold, and the proceeds to be so deposited, in
sums not less than one hundred dollars, which shall be invested in
certificates of debt of the State of Virginia, or the United States, or
any other State thereof, for the benefit of the University of Virginia;
and in such case the interest or dividend accruing on such stocks,
certificates of debt or bonds, shall be paid to the rector and visitors
of the University, to be by them appropriated to the general purposes
thereof, unless some particular appropriation shall have been originated
by the donor or testator as hereinafter provided ____________
The State of Virginia is hereby constituted the trustee for the safekeeping
and due application of all funds which may be deposited in
the treasury in pursuance of this act."

The legal title of the University corporation is "The Rector and
Visitors of the University of Virginia.


Under an act of the Legislature, entitled "A bill to incorporate
the Society of Alumni of the University of Virginia," this Society is
authorized, by its Executive Committee or in such other way as it
may direct, "to raise the sum of five hundred thousand dollars to be
held in the name of the `Society of Alumni of the University of
Virginia,' to be safely invested, and the net annual income therefrom
to be applied to the benefit of the University of Virginia. It is also
empowered "to employ agents to obtain endowments for scholarships
and professorships, to solicit donations, to dispose of anything
of any value belonging to the Society or entrusted to its management
for the purpose of endowing professorships or scholarships, or for
accomplishing any of the other objects of the Society authorized by
its charter."

Donations to the Library

    From March 1st, 1874, to March 1st, 1875.

  • Rear Admiral B. F. Sands, U. S. N.

  • Stevens and Haynes, London.

  • American Philosophical Society.

  • Medical Society of Virginia.

  • A. E. Whitaker, Librarian of Mercantile Library Association, of San Francisco.

  • 64

    Page 64
  • The Cobden Club, England.

  • American Pharmaceutical Association.

  • Atkinson Shamburg.

  • D. B. Merryman.

  • The Governor General of India. The Geological Survey of India.

  • Dr. Henry Howard, deceased, a legacy by will of his Medical Library, consisting
    of 205 volumes, and 224 Medical Pamphlets and Periodicals.

  • George W. Childs.

  • John Whitehead & Co., England.

  • Department of the Interior, Washington, 115 volumes of Public Documents.

  • Le Cte. Leopold Hugo, Paris.

  • Prof. T. Hewett Key, London.

  • Theological Seminary.

  • Treasury Department, Washington, D. C., Public Documents.

  • Brig. Gen. A. A. Humphreys, Chief of Engineers, U. S. A. The Publications of
    his Department.

  • Trustees of the Peabody Institute, Baltimore.

  • Government of Great Britain, 13 volumes of the Publications of the Record Commission.

  • State of South Carolina, Legislative Documents.

  • The Virginia Historical Society.

  • Edward L. Young.

  • Quincy Edmund.

  • Hon. John T. Harris.

  • Thomas H. Wynne.

  • Bureau of Education, Washington, Publications of the Bureau.

  • Prof. J. H. C. Coffin, U. S. N.

  • William A. Frazier, M. D.

  • Hon. John W. Johnston.

  • Commonwealth of Virginia, Grattan's Reports and Legislative Documents.

  • Major N. H. Hotchkiss.

  • William B. Matthews.

  • Samuel Kircheval.

  • Richard J. Dunglison, M. D.

  • Dr. Charles G. Barney.

  • Judge Robert W, Hughes.

  • Miss Sarah Randolph.

  • Col. William Jones.

  • Conway Robinson, Esq.

  • Smithsonian Institution.

  • Elias W. Leavenworth, LL. D.

  • Frederick Watts, Commissioner of Agriculture.

  • John and W. M. Lee.

  • The Robertson Association, Tennessee.

  • Wm. H. Ruffner, Superintendent of Public Instruction.

  • Hon. Wm. D. Kelley.

  • The Surveyor General of the United States Army.

  • K. F. Kochler.

  • Prof. J. Lawrence Smith.

  • G. C. Broadhead, Geologist of the State of Missouri.

  • A. R. Spofford, Librarian of Congress.

  • Daniel H. London.

  • Board of Directors Western Lunatic Asylum.

  • Rev. J. Wm. Jones.

  • Editors University Magazine.

    Donations to the Collections of the Schools of General and Applied

  • H. S. Noble, Esq., Mercer Zinc Works, Trenton, N. J., (at request of C. R. Boyd,
    Esq.,)—Zinc ores and other minerals.

  • Holston Salt and Plaster Co., (F. B. Hurt, Esq., General Superintendent,) Rock
    Salt from S. W. Virginia.

  • Cornwall & Bro., Louisville, Ky., Candles (for altar use, &c.) and Soap.