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[Worship and praise belong]


To—“Rejoice, the Lord is King.”

Worship and praise belong
To God the Lord most high:
Who taught us the new song
His name we magnify,
The Trinity in One we bless,
The Unity in Three confess.
Not from our creeds alone
The doctrine we receive:
Jehovah three in one,
He gives us to believe,
The God of truth Himself imparts,
And writes His name upon our hearts.
His Son on us bestow'd
The Father hath reveal'd:
The Son His Father show'd
From mortal eye conceal'd;
The' indwelling Comforter attests
That One is Three, in faithful breasts.


Thrice holy God, in whom
We live, and move, and are,
To do Thy will we come,
Thy glory to declare,
By all our converse here to show
That God is manifest below.
Baptized into Thy name,
Mysterious One in Three,
Our souls and bodies claim
A sacrifice to Thee:
We only live our faith to prove
The faith which works by humble love.
O that our light may shine,
And all our lives express
The character Divine,
The real holiness!
Then, then receive us up to' adore
The Triune God for evermore.