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[All hail, mysterious Trinity!]


To—“With pity, Lord, a sinner see.”

All hail, mysterious Trinity!
Every person of the three
In my salvation meets:
The Father draws me to the Son,
Accepts for Jesus' sake alone,
And all my sins forgets.
The Son His cleansing blood applies,
Breaks my heart, and bids me rise
A penitent forgiven:
The Holy Ghost His witness bears,
Numbers me with the royal heirs,
And gives a taste of heaven.
The Father multiplies my peace,
Jesus doth my faith increase,
And teaches me to pray;


The Spirit purifies my heart,
And makes me, Saviour, as Thou art,
And seals me to Thy day.
Thus, only thus I surely know
God was manifest below
The God of pardoning grace,
Whom saints in persons three admire,
Whom I with all that heavenly choir
World without end shall praise.