University of Virginia Library


The sigh, but not the sorrow pass'd; for there
Were tremblings for another sufferer.
Yet in the palace all seem'd quickly calm,
No hurrying taper on the darkness swam,


No echo on the gusty air was borne,
Now chiller with the coming of the morn.
Dimness and silence all, but where the gloom
Hung fainter round the ray from one high room,
That seem'd a room of slumber; deep the fold
Through which the struggling light in crimson roll'd.
If slumber, 't was soon past! a woman's cry
Was heard within! 't was pain, 't was agony!
Then all was tumult;—on the casements sweep
Swift lights, shapes hast'ning, as but sprung from sleep;
Down come the rushing menials, opes the porch,
Sad and short tidings theirs,—the courier's torch
Sweeps, like a meteor o'er a midnight flood,
The rollings of the deep, sad multitude.
But in that fateful room the agony
Soon passed; and but a sudden, passing sigh,
Some pang that heaved, and scarcely heaved the breast;
All now was calm, subdued, for final rest!
There the young mother in her beauty lay,
Patient, till life's slow pulse should ebb away;


Smiles on her pale lip still, her eye unmoved,
To its last dimness fix'd on him she loved.