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From De Republica, lib. x.

“Ah, did but Homer so belov'd from youth,—
Did poetry that charm'd us, only move
To virtue and build up immortal Truth,
Hymning the heroic dead and Gods above!—
No, we must pluck her love from the fond heart,
And grieving bid her beauteous form depart.
“Though Heaven-descended, mingling with mankind,
With charm of numbers and melodious song,
She is too fair for the untutor'd mind,
Strength'ning the Passions in themselves too strong;
A pleasing poison, soul-enfeebling joy;—
Destroy we that which else will us destroy.
“For 'tis not wont with poets to convey
Into men's souls true Wisdom's light austere,
But by their imitations to pourtray
Shadows of good, to please the eye and ear,
Bidding men weep, joy, sorrow; and enroll
Unworthy gods and heroes in the soul.


“For great, my friend, beyond all seeming great
The struggle and the hazard to be good,
That not for honours, wealth, or high estate,
Nor poetry, if she hath hind'ring stood,
'Twere well to lose the meed of righteousness,
Or virtue which the inner soul doth bless.”