A Collection of Emblemes Ancient and Moderne: Quickened VVith Metricall Illvstrations, both Morall and Divine: And disposed into Lotteries, That Instruction, and Good Counsell, may bee furthered by an Honest and Pleasant Recreation. By George Wither |
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Illvstr. XL.
[Observe this Wheele, and you shall see how Fate]
The gaining of a rich Estate,
Seemes, many times, restrain'd by Fate.
Seemes, many times, restrain'd by Fate.
Observe this Wheele, and you shall see how Fate
Doth limit out to each man, that Estate
Which hee obtaines; Then, how hee doth aspire
To such a height, and, why hee mounts no higher:
For, whatsoere their Authors understood,
These Emblems, now, shall speake as I thinke good.
Doth limit out to each man, that Estate
Which hee obtaines; Then, how hee doth aspire
To such a height, and, why hee mounts no higher:
For, whatsoere their Authors understood,
These Emblems, now, shall speake as I thinke good.
The Cornucopias fastned to a Round,
Thus fixt, may shew, that Riches have their bound;
And, can be raised, by mans pow'r or wits,
No higher than Gods Providence permits.
The placing of them on that Wheele, doth show,
That, some waxe Poore, as others Wealthy grow:
For, looke how much the higher, one doth rise,
So much the lower, still, the other lies;
And, when the height of one is at an end,
Hee sinkes againe, that others may ascend.
The many stops, which on this Wheele you spie,
Those many obstacles may typifie,
Which barre all those that unto Wealth aspire,
From compassing the Round of their desire.
Thus fixt, may shew, that Riches have their bound;
And, can be raised, by mans pow'r or wits,
No higher than Gods Providence permits.
The placing of them on that Wheele, doth show,
That, some waxe Poore, as others Wealthy grow:
For, looke how much the higher, one doth rise,
So much the lower, still, the other lies;
And, when the height of one is at an end,
Hee sinkes againe, that others may ascend.
The many stops, which on this Wheele you spie,
Those many obstacles may typifie,
Which barre all those that unto Wealth aspire,
From compassing the Round of their desire.
The want of Wit, from Riches, barreth some;
Some, cannot rich, because of Sloth, become.
Some, that are wise, and painefull, are deny'd
Encrease of wealth, through Pleasure, or through Pride.
Some, lose much profit, which they else might make,
Because of Conscience, or for Credit sake.
If none of these did hinder, wee have store,
That might bee Rich, who, yet, are very Poore.
And, these, indeed, doe come to be those Fates,
Which keepe most men, from getting large Estates.
Some, cannot rich, because of Sloth, become.
Some, that are wise, and painefull, are deny'd
Encrease of wealth, through Pleasure, or through Pride.
Some, lose much profit, which they else might make,
Because of Conscience, or for Credit sake.
If none of these did hinder, wee have store,
That might bee Rich, who, yet, are very Poore.
And, these, indeed, doe come to be those Fates,
Which keepe most men, from getting large Estates.
![]() | A Collection of Emblemes | ![]() |