University of Virginia Library



Not redeemed with ... silver and gold, ... but with the precious blood of Christ.”—1 St. Pet. i. 18, 19.

What am I worth? Not any gold
Or precious gems can weigh the price,
If ever man were bought and sold—
No mortal treasure could suffice;
Ah, count the cost of goodly things
And multiply it by the store
Of all the riches of all kings,
And yet a beggar is worth more.
What am I worth? Keep adding yet
Whate'er ye will, whate'er ye can,
Still worlds would never pay the debt
Of one poor Christ-redeemèd man;
Ransack the ocean's azure hall
And add the markets of the earth,
Throw in the universe and all—
That is no value of his worth.
What am I worth? Immortal souls
Cannot be judged or meted thus,
For we move on to God-like goals,
Eternity is housed in us;
My worth exceedeth every price,
Although that be God's very throne,
Because Christ was its sacrifice—
The Cross my measure is alone.