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The Christian Scholar

By the Author of "The Cathedral" [i.e. Isaac Williams]

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“Exiit ad cœlum ramis felicibus arbos,
Miraturque novas frondes et non sua poma.”
Georg. ii.

Such may instil, as Plato's self design'd,
Love of eternal beauty, which is Truth,
And harmonies that speak of endless youth;
With that celestial music which may wind
Like amarynthine gales into the mind,
Like airs from odorous places breathing health ;—
Insensibly conveying, and by stealth,
E'en from their tender years, the love resign'd
Of Justice, Courage, Temperance; till these,
As beauteous statues in a temple stand,
Shall all the heart possess. Those melodies,
Which Plato dream'd of, like a purple band
Of clouds, part off and shew a stable strand,
The love of God and Christian charities .

Οποθεν αν αυτοις απο των καλων εργων η προς οψιν η προς ακοην τι προσβαλη, ωσπερ, αυρα φερουσα απο χρηστων τοπων υγιειαν, και ευθυς εκ παιδων λανθανη εις ομοιοτητα τε και φιλιαν και ξυμφωνιαν τω καλω λογω αγουσα.” Plato, De Rep. lib. iii.

See Augustin De Civ. Dei, lib. xvii. cap. 41. “Harmonia musica .. bene ordinatæ civitatis insinuat unitatem.”