University of Virginia Library


[Transformde in shewe, but more transformde in mynde]

Transformde in shewe, but more transformde in mynde,
I cease to stryve, with duble Conquest foylde;
For, woe ys mee, my powers all (I fynde)
With owtewarde force, and inward treason spoylde.
For, from withoute, came to myne eyes the blowe,
Whereto, myne Inwarde thoughtes did faintly yeelde:
Bothe these conspirde pore Reasons overthrowe,
False in my self, thus have I lost the feelde.
And thus myne eyes are plaste still in one sighte,
And thus my thoughtes can thinck but one thing still:
Thus, reason to his servantes gives his righte,
Thus ys my power transformed to youre will.
What marvell then I take a Womans hewe?
Since, what I see, thincke, knowe, ys all but yow?