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Flovvers of Epigrammes

Ovt of sundrie the moste singular authours selected, as well auncient as late writers. Pleasant and profitable to the expert readers of quicke capacitie: By Timothe Kendall

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To his Frende.

Thou wont wast often to demaunde,
when we should foes become:
And when the knot of frendship should,
betwene vs be vndoon.
Can Flint or Marble harde be made,
as yeldyng Butter softe?
Or can the lumpishe Oxe be made,
to mount and soar alofte?
Can Woulues and Lambes agree? or can
the scrawlyng Crab crepe right?
Or can the Night, as gladsome Daie
become so cleare and bright?
Can Catte forbeare to catche the Mouse?
can Henne and Kite agree?
Can Daie be darke? or can the Night
as cleare Aurora bee?


Can Crowes be made both faire and white,
and Swannes bothe foule and blacke?
Can colde congeled Ice, be hotte?
can Winter coldnesse lacke?
Can Fire then Water be more cold?
or can the Hare, delight
To plaie and dallie with the Dog?
can ought be emptie quight?
Can Winde from blowyng be restrainde?
can surgyng Seas bee still?
Can flotyng Fishe forsake the foorde?
can Death leaue of to kill?
Can Foxe and Henne, bothe in a Penne
agree together well?
Can peace abide with butteryng blowes?
can loue with discorde dwell?
Can seas be waterles and drie?
can hilles be dales without?
Can woods be voyd of trees? or skies,
deuoid of starres throughout?
Can one lone Emot drinke the seas?
can God be from an hie?
Can God haue euer any ende?
can mortalles shun to die?
Can ragged rockes be precious stones?
can Iron Gold excell?
Can drowsie drunkennes esteme,
sage sober manners well?


Can fame be husht and silence keepe:
can drabs their tattle ceasse?
Can Venus vicious vile be chast,
and leaue, her beastlines?
Whē thou canst bryng these things to passe,
eache one bothe more and lesse:
Or seest them to be brought to passe,
then shall our frendship ceasse.