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[XIV My lips shut hard against her lyric throat]
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My lips shut hard against her lyric throat]

My lips shut hard against her lyric throat;
Her hands were tense, her pulses tremulous:
Life burned and languished while I held her thus;
The feet of Time grew soundless and remote.
Glitters of Truth's consummate splendour smote
Our eyes with fire, and music, over us,
Like spheres of crystal clear and marvellous,
Fell thro' the faultless silence note by note.
When life and time drave us once more apart,
Life seemed a hollow shell of irised pearl
Filled with the song-pulse of her gorgeous heart;
And Time an eyeless ghost who, thro' the night
Where stars burn and dawn lifts and lightnings whirl,
Strove to constrain me from the paths of light.