University of Virginia Library



Wow! wha frae death will guard us now?
Our warden's fa'n, sae stainch and true!
Matches like him death met but few—
I'd maist said nane;
To health we a' may bid adieu,
Since Jamie's gane.
Kilbride his death may mourn for ever;
Kilbride his peer may look for never;
He's wafted o'er that fatal river,
Recrossed by nane;
And wha frae death will us deliver,
Since Jamie's gane?
His worth is a' the clachan's crack;
We wish, but canna bring him back;
We've roopit Robin's shop o' black,
Oursel's to cleed;
Nae consolation can we tak',
Since Jamie's dead.
He was weel liked ilka where
For healin' heads when they were sair;
The middle ward o' Lanarkshire
May loudly maen;
His peregal she'll meet nae mair!
Och! Jamie's gane!
Lament him, O ye mithers a',
Wha aften for the howdie ca';
Your tears he banish'd far awa
In time o' pain;
His like auld Scotlan' never saw;
But now he's gane.
Mair skill in's single pow there lay
Than a' the Glasgow faculty,
Wha ance wad pierced for dropsy
A wife wi' wean,
Whase time was tauld, even to a day,
By Jamie gane.


Wi' whittles Jamie ne'er was rash,
Our legs and arms to cut and slash;
Nor yet wi' vomits, and sic trash,
To gar us graen;
Now we maun thole ilk gamrell hash,
Since Jamie's gane.