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The Altar

or, Meditations in Verse On The Great Christian Sacrifice By The Author of "The Cathedral," [i.e. Isaac Williams]

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“Woe is me! for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips, and dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips: for mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord of Hosts.”

O that the wondrous secrets of Thine Ark,
The Godhead and the Manhood joined in one,
Were safe in the withdrawals of Thy throne
From tongues of busy men, where shadows dark
Environ, and no eye of man can mark,
Where Faith and Love may entering be alone,
And feed on thoughts to adoration known.
Yet there intrude rash men to blow the spark
Of angry disputations, from the coal
Ta'en from Thine Altar, fill'd with fire of Heaven,
To sanctify the lips, and cleanse the soul.
While at Thy shrine, whence worshippers are driven,
Range disputants, which on each other frown,
Where Angels veil their faces and bow down.