University of Virginia Library


[Hear, holy, holy, holy Lord]

Hear, holy, holy, holy Lord,
Father of all mankind,
Spirit of truth, eternal Word,
In mystic union join'd!
Hear, and inspire my stammering tongue,
Exalt my abject thought,
Speak from my mouth a sacred song,
Who spak'st the world from nought.
Thy darling attribute I praise,
Which all alike may prove,—
The glory of Thy boundless grace,
Thy universal love.


Mercy I sing, transporting sound,
The joy of earth and heaven!
Mercy, by every sinner found,
Who takes what God hath given.
Mercy for all Thy hands have made,
Immense, and unconfined,
Throughout Thy every work display'd,
Embracing all mankind.
Thine eye survey'd the fallen race,
When sunk in sin they lay;
Their misery call'd for all Thy grace,
But justice stopp'd the way.
Mercy the fatal bar removed;
Thy only Son it gave,
To save a world so dearly loved,
A sinful world to save.
For every man He tasted death,
He suffer'd once for all;
He calls as many souls as breathe,
And all may hear the call.
A power to choose, a will to' obey,
Freely His grace restores;
We all may find the living way,
And call the Saviour ours.
Whom His eternal mind foreknew,
That they the power would use,
Ascribe to God the glory due,
And not His grace refuse;


Them, only them His will decreed,
Them did He choose alone,
Ordain'd in Jesu's steps to tread,
And to be like His Son.
Them, the elect, consenting few,
Who yield to proffer'd love,
Justified here, He forms anew,
And glorifies above.
For as in Adam all have died,
So all in Christ may live,
May (for the world is justified)
His righteousness receive.
Whoe'er to God for pardon fly,
In Christ may be forgiven:
He speaks to all, “Why will ye die,
And not accept My heaven?”
No! in the death of him that dies
(God by His life hath sworn)
He is not pleased; but ever cries,
“Turn, O ye sinners, turn.”
He would that all His truths should own,
His Gospel all embrace,
Be justified by faith alone,
And freely saved by grace.
And shall I, Lord, confine Thy love,
As not to others free?
And may not every sinner prove
The grace that found out me?


Doubtless through one eternal now
Thou ever art the same;
The universal Saviour Thou,
And Jesus is Thy name.
Ho! every one that thirsteth, come!
Choose life; obey the Word;
Open your hearts to make Him room,
And banquet with your Lord.
When God invites, shall man repel?
Shall man the' exception make?
“Come, freely come, whoever will,
And living water take.”
Thou bidd'st; and wouldst Thou bid us choose,
When purposed not to save?
Command us all a power to use
Thy mercy never gave?
Thou canst not mock the sons of men;
Invite us to draw nigh,
Offer Thy grace to all, and then
Thy grace to most deny!
Horror to think that God is hate!
Fury in God can dwell!
God could an helpless world create,
To thrust them into hell!
Doom them an endless death to die,
From which they could not flee:—
No, Lord! Thine inmost bowels cry
Against the dire decree!


Believe who will that human pain
Pleasing to God can prove:
Let Molock feast him with the slain;
Our God, we know, is love.
Lord, if indeed, without a bound,
Infinite Love Thou art,
The horrible decree confound,
Enlarge Thy people's heart!
Ah! who is as Thy servants blind,
So to misjudge their God!
Scatter the darkness of their mind,
And shed Thy love abroad.
Give them conceptions worthy Thee,
Give them, in Jesu's face,
Thy merciful design to see,
Thy all-redeeming grace.
Stir up Thy strength, and help us, Lord;
The preachers multiply;
Send forth Thy light, and give the word,
And let the shadows fly.
O! if Thy Spirit send forth me,
The meanest of the throng,
I'll sing Thy grace divinely free,
And teach mankind the song.
Grace will I sing, through Jesu's name,
On all mankind bestow'd;
The everlasting truth proclaim,
And seal that truth with blood.


Come then, Thou all-embracing Love,
Our frozen bosom warm;
Dilating fire, within us move,
With truth and meekness arm.
Let us triumphantly ride on,
And more than conquerors prove;
With meekness bear the' opposers down,
And bind with cords of love.
Shine in their hearts, Father of Light;
Jesu, Thy beams impart;
Spirit of Truth, our minds unite,
And keep us one in heart.
Then, only then our eyes shall see
Thy promised kingdom come;
And every heart, by grace set free,
Shall make the Saviour room.
Thee every tongue shall then confess,
And every knee shall bow:
Come quickly, Lord; we wait Thy grace,
We long to meet Thee now.