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The Grecian Story

Being an Historical Poem, in Five Books. To which is Annex'd The Grove: Consisting of Divers Shorter Poems upon several Subjects. By J. H. [i.e. John Harington]

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Nurse charged strait (who was chief Woman then
To th' Countess styl'd, besides her Gift, not mean,
O'th' Royal Gold) when second Message came
By Vandimont, through new enkindled Flame,
Meeting defir'd, those Lines should answer prove,
That wanton King, whom stronger Power did move,
Than that the fair Dorasta once enjoy'd
Can thoughts appease; urg'd strait again, uncloy'd:
This Note receiv'd then Poizing (last) the case,
True Bargain was by her perform'd; that Place,
Title conferr'd, small wrong to th' Regal Chest;
Urg'd then no more; Fears might perplex her Brest.
Let none by such Example prove bold Strays,
Since few reduced found; tho in that Maze
If wandring are, conceiv'd with Roses spred,
Let them in Time like her Return Misled.