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The Treasury of Musick

Containing ayres and dialogues To Sing to the theorbo-lute or basse-viol. Composed

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Madness in Love.


Sure 'twas a Dream: How long, Fond Man, have I
Been lull'd into Captivity?
My Newgate was my Want of Wit,
I did my Self commit, my Bonds I Knit:
I my own Gaoler was, my only Foe
That did my freedome disallow:
I was a Prisoner 'cause I would be so.


'Twas a fine life I liv'd when I did dress
My self to Court your peevishness;
When I did at your foot-stool lye,
Expecting from your eye to live or dye.
Now frowns or smiles, I care not which I have;
Nay, rather than I'le be your slave,
I'le Court the Plague to send me to my grave.


And now I will shake off my chains, and prove
Opinion built the Gaol of Love;
Made all his Bonds, gave him his Bow,
His bloody Arrows too which murder so.
May all the Oaths which idle Lovers dream,
Be all contriv'd to make a Theam
For some carousing Poets drunken Flame.