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Divine Fancies

Digested into Epigrammes, Meditations, and Observations. By Fra: Quarles

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94. On the Temporizer.

He seemes to be a Man of Warre; His sayle
Being fill'd and prosper'd with a foreright Gale,
Makes speedy way; and, with her Keele, divides
The sparkling furrowes of the swelling Tides;
Or if the winde should slacke, or cease to blow,
Can make a shift to Tide it to and fro;
But if it prove a Storme, or the wind crosse,
His wavering Bottom soone begins to tosse
Vpon the troubled waves, without regard
Of either steare, or yet the seamans Card;
His prouder Courage quailes, & the rough weather
Transports his wandring keel, he knows not whither;


Till, after many a ruine-threatning knock,
He's overwhelmd or splitt vpon a Rock.