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Flovvers of Epigrammes

Ovt of sundrie the moste singular authours selected, as well auncient as late writers. Pleasant and profitable to the expert readers of quicke capacitie: By Timothe Kendall

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An Epitaphe.

I laught , I wepe I was, but now
I nothyng am become:
I plaied, but now I ceasse to plaie:
I sang, but now am domme.
I wakt, I slepe: I studied once,
but loe I now am still:
My fleshe I fedde and pampred once,
but now the wormes I fill:
I welcomde all sometyme, but now
to all I bidde adue:
I caught, but now am caught my self:
now slaine, whiche sometyme slue.
Once faught I, now I peace enioye:
I life enioyed all right,


Of right againe I must therefore
yelde vnto Mors his might:
I yelde, and yelde I must of force:
yearth was I once certaine,
Yearth, duste, and now at laste I am
yearth, duste, become againe.
Yearth, duste, now naught at all: wherefore
worlde vaine adue to thee:
And sith I needes must hence awaie,
wormes welcome you to me.