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O'er yon churchyard the storm may lower;
But, heedless of the wintry air,
One little bud shall linger there,
A still and trembling flower.
Unscathed by long revolving years
Its tender leaves shall flourish yet,
And sparkle in the moonlight, wet
With the pale dew of tears.
And where thine humble ashes lie,
Instead of scutcheon or of stone.
It rises o'er thee, lonely one,
Child of obscurity!
Mild was thy voice as zephyr's breath,
Thy cheek with flowing locks was shaded;
But the voice hath died, the cheek hath faded,
In the cold breeze of Death!


Brightly thine eye was smiling, Sweet!
But now decay hath stilled its glancing;
Warmly thy little heart was dancing,
But it hath ceased to beat!
A few short months—and thou wert here!
Hope sat upon thy youthful brow;
And what is thy memorial now?
A flower—and a tear!