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I've thought upon it long, and to mine eyes,
Howe'er my feet have wander'd, it hath been
The sweet star that hath guided through the night,
And brought me home again. I've worshipp'd it,


Even as the Hindoo maiden her gay boat
Of flowers, her heart's first fond experiment,
Sent down the Ganges. I regard it now—
Though all my flowers have wither'd, and my boat
Been baffled nigh to shipwreck—having loss
Of what the waters give not forth again—
With a beseeming reverence. And 'tis all,
So valued, but an image—one that needs
No color from the artist's brush, to raise
In features sensible. They have been touch'd
In more intense embodyings. Pearl and gold
Are but slight gear, its riches to secure,
And honor by their setting. Wouldst thou see?—
It is the picture of a delicate love,
Fair lady, and I've set it in my heart—
There, couldst thou look, thy own unwitting lips
Would murmur, with misgivings, to thy self,
“Where sat I to this painter?”