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The degree of Bachelor of Arts or of Bachelor of Science, respectively,
will be conferred upon regular students who have completed not less than
60 session-hours of undergraduate courses, taken in conformity with the following

(1) Required Subjects.—Candidates for either cultural degree must take
30 hours of required subjects as stated below and must in addition, unless
exemption is granted on a physician's certificate, complete the two years'
course in Physical Education which is not evaluated in session-hours (see
below). Of the 30 hours of required subjects not less than 24 hours must be
taken during the first two years, and the remaining 6 hours not later than the
third year.

Foreign Languages

For the Bachelor of Arts.—9 session-hours from two languages, of which
6 must be in either Latin or Greek.

For the Bachelor of Science.—9 session-hours from two languages, of
which 6 must be in either French, German, Spanish, or Italian.


For either degree.—3 session-hours.

Natural Science

For either degree.—6 session-hours in Biology B1, Chemistry B1, Geology
B1 or Physics B1.


For either degree.—6 session-hours, 3 of which may be in Biblical Literature,
or Public Speaking, the other 3 being in English or English Literature.


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Social Science

For either degree.—3 session-hours in History B1 or B2, or Economics
B1, or Government B1, or Sociology B1.


For either degree.—3 session-hours in Philosophy B1, or Psychology B1.

Physical Education

For either degree.—Two years' course required of all candidates, which
must be completed during the first two years unless the candidate is excused
on a physician's certificate.

Note.—A candidate entering with advanced standing or with college
credit shall in his first, and, if necessary, continuously in subsequent sessions,
take such courses as are necessary to complete the above requirements for
the first and second sessions.

(2) Electives-at-Large.—Of the remaining 30 session-hours required
for the baccalaureate degree, 18 session-hours may be elected from any
courses in the academic schools for which the candidate has adequate

(3) Major-Electives.—The remaining 12 session-hours required for either
degree shall be known as Major-Electives. The Major-Electives shall include
at least one C course (which must require two B courses as a prerequisite),
and must all be offered from some one of the following Major-Groups of
related subjects, except that when the Major-Group is Group III, the candidate
may offer, in lieu of a C course, any 6-hour B course in this Group,
for admission to which another 6-hour B course in the Group is prerequisite.
The Major-Electives must all be completed in this College or in some professional
department of this University.

  • Group I.—Languages, Literature, Fine Arts and Music.

  • Group II.—Social and Philosophical Sciences.

  • Group III.—Mathematical and Natural Sciences.

(4) Substitutions for Major-Electives.—The first-year course in Law, or
the first-year course in Medicine or 12 session-hours of technical courses in
one of the professional departments of Engineering or Education may be substituted
for the 12 session-hours of Major-Electives in academic subjects.
This work, which must be completed in one of the professional departments
of this University, cannot be begun by the candidate until he has spent at least
two sessions of nine months each in successful work in this College, and has
at least 45 session-hours to his credit.