University of Virginia Library


[Israel the Father calls His son]

The multitude glorified the God of Israel. Matthew xv. 31.

The children of Israel shall be turned to the Lord their God: and he shall go before Him. Luke i. 16, 17.

The Spirit of the Lord spake by me—the God of Israel said. 2 Samuel xxiii. 2, 3.

Israel the Father calls His son,
And Jesus is the Lord their God,
The Spirit claims them for His own,
On whom His prophets He bestow'd,
The Spirit who by David spoke
The word He never will revoke.
Each person of the mystic three
The God of Israel we adore,
As was, and is, and still shall be,
When time and nature are no more:
The Triune God we then shall praise
In glorious, everlasting lays.