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In the days of creation, when Jove was allotting
The duty each part should supply,
To the tongue he gave words, to assist us in plotting,
And vigilance gave to the eye.
But Juno, the mandates of Jove ne'er obeying,
Taught woman his laws to defy,
Said, the tongue should keep guard over what they were saying,
And the speaking be done by the eye.
But the great law of Nature so strongly endued
The tongue of the woman, dear soul,
That it would not be quiet, do all that she could,
And ran quite beyond her control;
While her eye, flashing brightly, determined to keep
Its gift from the queen of the sky:
'Till between them, with many an argument deep,
The quarrel soon ran very high.
At last, 'twas agreed an appeal to the sky
Should be made in a matter so nice,
And this compromise sly 'twixt the tongue and the eye,
Was agreed on, by Jove's own advice;
“My daughters, thus nicely the balance I've hung
'Twixt the rivals,” the Thunderer cries,
“Let woman to woman converse with her tongue,
But speak to a man with her eyes.”