University of Virginia Library

[lxxx] Alexis to Damon.

The Loue Alexis did to Damon beare,
Shall witness'd bee to all the Woods, and Plaines,
As singulare, renown'd by neighbouring Swaines,
That to our Relicts Time may Trophees reare:
Those Madrigals wee sung amidst our Flockes,
With Garlands guarded from Apollos Beames,
On Ochells whiles, whiles neare Bodotrias Streames,
Are registrate by Ecchoes in the Rockes.
Of forraine Shepheards bent to trie the States,
Though I (Worlds Guest) a Vagabond doe straye,
Thou mayst that Store, which I esteeme Suruaye,
As best acquainted with my Soules Conceits:
What euer Fate Heauens haue for mee design'd,
I trust thee with the Treasure of my Mind.