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Spiritual Melody

Containing near Three Hundred Sacred Hymns. By Benjamin Keach

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HYMN 184. When recovered after a Fit of Sickness, Sept. 16. 1688

Let that life-breathing Face of thine,
Lord, manifested be;
Because thy Love excelleth VVine,
All upright Ones love thee.
Thou hast, O Lord, redeemed us,
Yea, from the lowest Hell,
And rais'd us to an higher state
Than that from whence we fell.
VVith Flaggons of refreshing Joy,
And Comforts from above,
Stay us, O Lord, we humbly pray,
Let us be sick of Love.
For these great Blessings, O most High,
VVe will thy Praises sing,
VVho hast also, Lord, heard our cry,
Praise to our glorious King.
VVe cried to thee with our hearts
To make thy Servant whole,
And from the all-devouring Grave
For to return his Soul.
And thou dost, Lord, a new life send,
And wouldest not permit
That he should hastily descend
Into the dolesom Pit.
VVe therefore sing and give thee praise,
Most holy let us be,
VVith hearts united all our days
Let us live unto thee.