University of Virginia Library


[As power and wytt wyll me Assyst]

As power and wytt wyll me Assyst
My wyll shall wyll evyn as ye lyst.
Ffor as ye lyst my wyll ys bent
In euery thyng to be content
To serve in love tyll lyff be spent
And to Reward my love thus ment
Evyn as ye lyst.
To fayn or fable ys not my mynd
Nor to Refuce suche as I fynd
But as a lambe of humble kynd
Or byrd in cage to be Assynd
Evyn as ye lyst.
When all the flokk ys cum and gone
Myn eye and hart agreythe in one
Hathe chosyn yow only Alone
To be my joy or elles my mone
Evyn as ye lyst.
Joy yf pytty apere in place
Mone yf dysdayn do shew hys face
Yet crave I not as in thys case


But as ye lede to follow the trace
Evyn as ye lyst.
Sum in wordes muche love can fayn
And sum for wordes gyve wordes agayn;
Thus wordes for wordes in wordes Remayn,
And yet at last wordes do optayn
Evyn as ye lyst.
To crave in words I wyll exchew
And love in dede I wyll ensew;
Yt ys my mynd bothe hole and trew
And for my trewthe I pray yow rew,
Evyn as ye lyst.
Dere hart, I bydd you now farewell
With better hart than tong can tell;
Yet take thys tale as trew as gospell;
Ye may my lyff save or expell
Evyn as ye lyst.