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Poems, and phancies

written By the Thrice Noble, Illustrious, And Excellent Princess The Lady Marchioness of Newcastle [i.e. Margaret Cavendish]. The Second Impression, much Altered and Corrected

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Nature's Ships.

Birds from the Cedars Tall do take a Flight
On stretched Wings, to bear their Bodies light;
As Ships do Sail over the Ocean wide,
So do they Sail, and through the Air do Glide;
Their Bodies are the Keel, Feet Cabl' and Rope,
The Head the Steers-man which doth Guide the Poop;
Their Wings as Sails, with Wind are stretch'd out wide;
But it is hard to Fly against the Tide:
For when the Clouds do Flow against their Breast,
They weary grow, and on a Bough do rest.

Clouds in the Air do move as Water doth in the Sea, and Flow and Ebb according to Dry and Moist Weather.

A Bough is their Haven.