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The most elegant and witty epigrams of Sir Iohn Harrington

... digested into fovre bookes: three whereof neuer before published

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102 Of old Haywoods sonnes.

Old Haywoods sons did wax so wild & youthfull,
It made their aged father sad and wrathfull.
A friend one day, the elder did admonish
With threats, as did his courage halfe astonish,
How that except he would begin to thriue,
His Sire of all his goods would him depriue.
For whom, quoth he? Eu'n for your yonger brother,
Nay then, said he, no feare, if't be none other.
My brother's worse then I, and till he mends,
I know, my father no such wrong intends,
Sith both are bad, to shew so partiall wrath,
To giue his yonger vnthrift that hee hath.