CLXXXIX. Treasurer and Company of Virginia. Covenant to
Pay Captain Arthur Guy
August 24, 1621
Additional Manuscripts, 14285, Folios 72–72a
Document in British Museum, London
List of Records No. 268
[72] To all to whome these presentℯ shall come, the Trẽr and Companie of
Aduenturors and Planters of the Cittie of London for the first Colonie in
Virginia send greetinge: whereas wee the said Treasuror and Companie for
Virginia for the better supporte and advancement of that Plantac̃on haue
fraighted the good Shippe called the Warwicke of London of the burden
of 180 tun̄e or thereaboutℯ to carrie to Virginia the number of 100 p̱sons
and and diuers goodℯ Comodities and prouisions aswell for the vse and
mayntenance of the said p̱sons nowe to be transported as also for the
reliefe and supplie of the Colonie there, And haue discharged and secured
to discharge the transportac̃on of the said 100: p̱sons after the rate of 6
p̱ person. Nowe Knowe ye further that for euery tun̄ of goodℯ prouisions
or comodities that John fferrar Deputy of our Companie shall appointe
and order to be taken and receaued in, (8
ɫi the tun̄ onely excepted of Sea
Chestℯ and trunckes as also Sea Coales Millstones and flinte w
ch are to be
fraight free) wee doe promise and couenant for ourselues and successors
thin fowerteen dayes after true Certificate deliuered vnto vs from the
r for the time beinge and Counsell of State in Virginia of the
receipt of the said goodℯ [
72a] safe and well condic̃oned to paye vnto
Captaine Arthur Guy Robert Ioakly and John Packsall or their Assignee
the Sum̄e of 3
ɫi sterlinge for each tun̄ here put abord and there deliuered
The tunnage beinge here agreed vpon by the said p̱te owners and the
Husband of our Companie before the Departure of the said Shipp the
Warwicke And for the true discharge and payinge of the said 3
ɫi vpon
each tun̄e as aforesaid Wee the said Treasuro
r and Companie do binde o
selues and successo
rs by these presentℯ vnto the said Captaine Arthur
Guy Robert Ioakly and John Packsall their executo
rs and Administrato
in the penaltie of 300
ɫi. In Wittnesse whereof wee haue herevnto caused
the com̄on Seale of the Companie to be annexed Dated the 24
th Junii
August 1621 and in the 19
th yeare of the Kingℯ Ma
tℯ raigne of England
ffrance and Ireland and of Scotland the fiue and fiftith.