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Of þe Seuen ȝiftes of þe holigost.
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Of þe Seuen ȝiftes of þe holigost.

Whon þou art hol sound, þe to lede
Tak heer furst þe spirit of drede,
Þat makeþ mon furst from vuel to wynne;
Þe spirit of pite, wel forto bigynne
Gode werkes; þat han a wel gret fo
Of worldes wele and eke of wo:
Þe spirit [of] cunnyng techeþ vs dispise
Þe worldes wele [ȝif we ben wyse];
Þe spirit of strengþe, to suffre þe wo.
Þeose foure to bisy lyf longen into,
Þat we callen Actyf lyf.
Þe oþer þreo rulen Contemplatyf.
In Creatures to knowen God verrement,
Þe spirit vs techeþ of entendement;
Þe spirit of counseil, what is to do
In writ, what is to leue also;
To knowe god In his owne kynde,
Þe spirit of wysdam vs bringeþ to mynde.