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Psalm XLIII. Judica me Deus.
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Psalm XLIII. Judica me Deus.

Judge of all, judge me
And protector be
Of my cause oppressed
By most cruell sprites;
Save me from bad wights,
In false coullers dressed.
For my God thy sight
Giveth me my might,
Why then hast thou left me?
Why walk I in woes?
While prevailing foes
Have of joyes bereft me?


Send thi truth and light,
Let them guid mee right
From the pathes of folly:
Bringing me to thy
Tabernacle hy,
In thy hill most holly.
To Godds Alters tho
Will I boldly goe;
Shaking of all saddnes;
To that God that is
God of all my blisse,
God of all my gladdnes.
Then loe, then I will
With sweete musicks skill
Gratfull meaning show thee:
Then God, yea my God,
I will sing abroade
What greate thancks I ow thee.
Why art thou my soule
Cast down in such dole?
What ailes thy discomfort?
Waite on God, for still
Thanck my God, I will,
Sure aid, present comfort.