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The Poems of Edward Taylor

Edited by Donald E. Standford ... With a foreword by Louis L. Martz

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147. Meditation. Cant. 6.13. That wee may look upon thee.

1. of 1m [Mar.] 1719.
Had I Angelick skill and on their wheele
Could spin the purest puld white silk into
The finest twine and then the same should Reele
And weave't a satten Web there in also
Or finest Taffity with shines like gold
And Deckt with pretious stones, brightst to behold.
And all inwrought with needle work most rich,
Even of the Holy Ghost to lap up in,
My Heart full freight with love refinde, the Which
Up on thy Glorious selfe I ever bring
And for thy sake thy all fair spouse should wear't
Some glances of the same I to her beare
That Cloath her may who in her mourning Weeds
As sorrowing she searches thee about
That saith: Oh Shulamite Our eye much bleeds.
Turn turn that it may look on thee right out.
That we may looke upon thee, and behold
Thy ravishing beauty that thy sweet face unfolds.
That sparkling Airiness thy Cheeks do lodge
Laid on them by the Holy Ghost in Grace,


Do send such sparkling flashes without Dodge
Those Charms that took our Eye in ery place
A sight thereof which evermore would bed
Upon those Cheeks of all their sight the head.
The brightest beauty Pensill ever drew
Laid in the Richest Colours gold could gain
The shiningst glory the suns face ere knew
The sparklingst shine nature did ere attain
Are but black spot and smoot on brightest faces
Unto thy beauty all enlaid with graces.
The bodies Eyes are blind, no sight therein
Is Cleare enough to take a sight of this.
Its the internall Eye Sight takes this thing
This glorious light the Sin blind Eye doth miss.
Th'Internall Eye with Christ's Eye Salve annointed
Is on this beauteous face alone well pointed.
Hence'noint mine Eyes my Lord with thine Eye salve
That they may view thy Spouses Beauty pure,
Whose sight passt on thyselfe do thence Resolve
To lodge and with the Shulamite Endure
That grace shed from this fulness make her shine
Brightst in mine Eyes to sing her praise and thine.