University of Virginia Library

The eight Epigramme. Barnzy stiffly vowes that hees no Cuckold

Barnzy stiffly vowes that hees no Cuckold,
Yet the vulgar ev'rywhere salutes him
With strange signes of hornes, from ev'ry corner;
Wheresoere he commes, a sundry Cucco
Still frequents his eares; yet hees no Cuccold.
But this Barnzy knowes that his Matilda,
Skorning him, with Harvy playes the wanton.
Knowes it? nay desires it, and by prayers
Dayly begs of heav'n, that it for ever
May stand firme for him; yet hees no Cuccold.
And tis true, for Harvy keeps Matilda,
Fosters Barnzy, and relieves his houshold,
Buyes the Cradle, and begets the children,
Payes the Nurces, ev'ry charge defraying,
And thus truly playes Matildas husband:
So that Barnzy now becomes a cypher,
And himselfe th'adultrer of Matilda.
Mock not him with hornes, the case is alterd;
Harvy beares the wrong, he proves the Cuccold.