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The most elegant and witty epigrams of Sir Iohn Harrington

... digested into fovre bookes: three whereof neuer before published

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101 Another of Table-talke.

Among some Table-talke of little weight,
A friend of mine was askt by one great Lady:
What sonnes he had? My wife (saith he) hath eight:
Now fie, said she, 'tis an ill vse as may be.
I would you men would leaue these fond conditions,
T'enure on vertuous wiues such wrong suspitions.
Tush, said her Lord, you giue a causelesse blame,
The Gentleman hath wisely spoke, and well:
To reckon all his sonnes perhaps were shame,
His wiues sonnes therefore he doth onely tell.
Behold, how much it stands a man in steede,
To haue a friend answere in time of neede.